
  • friendship

The Power of Friendship

“No man is useless while he has a friend,” are the wise words of Robert Louis Stevenson. The poet John Donne said it this way, “No man is an island.” The bottom line is MEN -- we need each other. Better still, we need friends for both the short term and long term. More importantly, we need to choose them wisely. Brad Stulberg is an author and high-level performance coach at ...

By |2023-02-09T21:08:49+10:00February 10th, 2023|FAMILIES, Dads, FAITH|0 Comments
  • friendship app

New App Aims to Fix the Male ‘Friendship Gap’ in Australia

Australian mateship is a cornerstone of our culture, but an increasing number of Australia men say they’re lonely. A new app aims to bring them back together. January 2023: Whether it’s used to describe friends who are always free for a beer or soldiers on the battlefield, the term ‘mateship’ is a symbol of unconditional support, especially when times are challenging. But, there’s a gap between the iconic idea of mateship ...

By |2023-02-10T07:57:11+10:00February 10th, 2023|Dads|0 Comments
  • International Men’s Day

Millions Support Men and Boys

International Men’s Day 2022 was marked by people all over the world on 19 November, demonstrating their support for men and boys everywhere. “I'd like to say a massive thank you and give my support to all the men who do their best each and every single day for their loved ones, for society, for humans in general, to make the world go round. Thank you, it's very much appreciated.” These ...

By |2022-12-15T17:57:33+10:00November 25th, 2022|MENS HEALTH, Children, FAIRNESS & JUSTICE, FAMILIES|0 Comments
  • parenting

Single Dads Need Parenting Partners

A cherished friend of mine has just died. I cried with my daughters, struggling to get the words out as I related how dear Joe has been. I love Joe for the soft kindness he delivered. He gave me a sense of being a full dad every time I saw him. He told me, “You are such a good man,” and I cry again when I feel those words in the ...

By |2022-09-30T16:56:49+10:00September 30th, 2022|SINGLE DADS, Dads, FAMILIES|0 Comments
  • homeschooling

My Journey From a Teacher to a Homeschooling Parent

Homeschooling has enriched this family's life, reducing stress and creating room for personal flourishing. My name is Heidi; my husband Ben and I are currently on a homeschool journey with our three children aged 7, 10 and 12. I am a qualified teacher and I was teaching casually at the school that my three children attended until late 2021. My husband and I decided that our lives needed to change; we ...

By |2022-09-08T14:43:04+10:00September 10th, 2022|Children, FAMILIES, HOMESCHOOLING, MOTHERS|0 Comments
  • marriage

Let’s Stick Together

“For an increasing number of long-term marriages, it’s no longer a case of ‘until death do us part,’ it’s a matter of until the children depart from the family nest,” writes Rachel Browne in a Sydney Morning Herald article, “Parents wait until children go, then do the same thing.” Suddenly finding your busy life full of activities attached to children, and a home in a constant state of noise, and endless ...

By |2022-08-18T23:27:17+10:00August 18th, 2022|MOTHERS, FAITH, LOVE & MARRIAGE|0 Comments
  • humility

No Man is an Island

Fatherhood is a journey full of unforeseeable developments, but if you gather like-minded friends around you who can provide support along the way, and practise humility while learning how to best love and care for your family, you can triumph over the challenges which come your way. “Life is strange with its twists and turns”, is a quote from a famous poem written in 1921 called ‘Don’t Quit’ by Edgar A ...

By |2022-07-06T08:51:59+10:00July 6th, 2022|Dads, FAMILIES|0 Comments
  • toaster creation

I Can Cook: How a Flat Plate Toaster Saved My Life

Last Christmas, two hearty friends of mine surprised me with a present. It was a drinks coaster with a 1950s-style image of an apron-wearing woman holding a toaster with the caption, “If it fits in a toaster, I can cook it!” On its own, it would give most good folks a chuckle, yet, for me, it held a story. In the early days of updating my status to separated parent, I ...

By |2022-07-05T10:30:01+10:00July 5th, 2022|SINGLE DADS|0 Comments
  • adventures

Fathering Family Adventures

Intentionally creating adventures for your children helps your family to grow and bond together in memorable ways which build an excellent foundation for a lifetime. I believe it is a father’s job to create adventures for his children. Pam Brown put it so beautifully in her famous quote, “Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of songs.” Some time ago, I wrote of one ...

By |2022-04-08T22:47:43+10:00April 8th, 2022|Dads, Children, FAMILIES|0 Comments

Own Your Unique Position and Giftings

There is only one of you in the whole world. Take the opportunity to hone your talents and grow where you are planted. I have always believed God places the right people at the right time in your life to counsel you and offer guidance and encouragement when you need it. Lately, I’ve been having a few chance encounters and friendships that have been placed in my life at the right ...

By |2022-03-24T11:05:30+10:00March 24th, 2022|MOTHERS, FAITH|0 Comments
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