There are many additions — some have serious health consequences; others have serious financial consequences, and most have serious side effects on the family and relationships.

An addiction is a dependence on a substance or behaviour with an uncontrollable compulsion to repeat the behavior regardless of its consequences.

Addictions affect our self-control and the balance in our personal lives and our family lives. Let’s regain our self-control and get some balance back into our lives. If you can relate to any of the following addictions, please check out the links to see how you can ‘kick the habit’.


Problem gambling usually occurs when an individual’s gambling is out of control and it begins to cause personal, social and occupational problems. If you’ve ever felt guilty about your gambling, chances are you may be addicted. According to statistics, ‘problem gamblers’ represent over 290,000 Australians (about 2.1 per cent of Australian adults).

If you are affected by a gambling addiction or want to find out more, call the helpline listed below or click on one of the links:

Australia — Problem Gambling Services
Confidential and open 24hrs a day

New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia

New Zealand — Problem Gambling Help line
Confidential, currently open 8:00am — 11:30pm. 0800-654-655.


Relationships Australia is one of Australia’s largest community based organisations providing relationship support to people regardless of age, religion, gender, cultural or economic background. This is the link to a range of services to help where gambling is a problem.

Improving the Odds is an internet-based treatment for people who experience problem gambling.


Alcohol is the most widely-used social drug in Australia. Drinking alcohol increases the likelihood of acting in a violent way. Alcohol may also cause you to feel moody or anxious and may result in tense relationships with family and friends.

Some of the physical side effects to your health can include liver damage, hallucinations, memory loss or stomach damage.

If you think that refraining from alcohol could help either yourself or your family, click on one of the links below.

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.

The Australian Government website on alcohol with links and resources which may help.

Australian Drug Information Network has many useful links and a national services directory.


A drug addict is a person who is unable to live a normal life without drugs. He or she has a continuous craving for a certain drug. All aspects of his or her social life is disrupted because of this addiction.

Addicts may be either mentally or physically dependent on a drug. Drug addiction can lead to serious health dysfunctional relationships with those you love most. If you have a drug-related problem or you are addicted to any drug, seek help now.

Australian Drug Information Network has many useful links and a national services directory with specific state/territory listings.

One80 TC (Teen Challenge) offers support, direction and love to break the chains of addiction and other life-controlling behaviours. Their team has been applying this understanding for over thirty years, and as a result, has helped thousands of 16–30 year-olds to take control and get on with their lives.


Nicotine is an addictive drug than harms your health, and the health of those around you, such as your children.

Smoking causes the following symptoms: cancer, diabetes, poor blood circulation, a weak immune system and highly likeliness of infection, breathing problems, premature aging and hearing loss.

Children of smoking parents may have impaired learning, slower growth and be shorter than children who do not smoke.

For more information on how you can quit smoking, check out the links below:

Australian Council on Smoking and Health (ACOSH) is a fully funded, non-government, non-profit organisation which aims to raise awareness in the community on issues relating to smoking and health. Click on the “Smokers” tab for Quit Programs.

HealthInsite is an Australian Government initiative, funded by the Department of Health and Ageing. It aims to improve the health of Australians by providing easy access to quality information about human health. This is the link to the Quit Smoking section.

Quit Now Website — Australian National Tobacco Campaign offers a one-stop-shop with all the information you need on the campaign and how to get information on quitting. A government initiative website. Click on the “Quitters Page” for resources to help you quit.