
  • sibling

How to Create Sibling (and Family) Relationships That Last

Ultimately, parents must remember that they likely won’t be around for their children’s entire lives, but children’s siblings probably will be. If parents can teach their children how to build a solid family network together, they will offer a legacy not only to their children, but one that can be passed through the generations.

By |2024-04-19T12:46:34+10:00April 18th, 2024|Children, FAMILIES, NEW DADS|0 Comments
  • friendship

30 July: International Day of Friendship

In 2011, Australia and dozens of other members of the United Nations designated July 30 as the International Day of Friendship. Their goal was to educate the public, to mobilise the political will to resolve global problems, and to celebrate the achievements of humanity. Friendship promotes peace, inspires happiness, and encourages unity. These are important among individuals as well as nations. A friend shows respect. A friend can show anger without ...

By |2023-07-27T10:36:01+10:00July 27th, 2023|NEW DADS|0 Comments
  • marriage

The Day After the Big Day

Yesterday we celebrated our daughter’s wedding to a wonderful man and family. Our daughter Kiara looked absolutely radiant with an interior joy; her now-husband Doug, was magnificent -- strong, steady and adoring. Their evident love for each other lit up the church and the celebration that followed. As parents of the bride, we were afforded the opportunity to address the guests, and we thought we’d share some of our thoughts with ...

By |2023-03-01T20:14:10+10:00March 1st, 2023|LOVE & MARRIAGE, FAITH, FAMILIES|0 Comments
  • best

The Best Things About Being a Single Dad

A few weeks ago, on an impulse and wanting to share a snapshot of my post-separation status, I wrote a part-whimsical, part-serious piece about the worst parts of being a single dad. By implication, if some parts are worst, then there must be some best bits, says my cerebral dialogue. Voice Number One says the best bit is simply being a dad. Voice Number One ignores the “single” tag and just ...

By |2023-02-21T21:41:46+10:00February 21st, 2023|SINGLE DADS|1 Comment
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