About Us
Become a Sponsor or Partner
Dads4Kids is a fully tax-deductible Harm Prevention Charity. Our goal is to develop long-term friendships with those who give. Our preference is for regular giving partnerships. Giving partners are really another name for long-term regular supporters who are friends of Dads4Kids and want to make a difference in Australia by helping Australian fathers become the best in the world.
Regular giving helps us plan our budget and enables us to do more to help fathers and families. We plan our life and our time. It is also important to plan our giving. Many people who support Dads4Kids give us $20 per month. Others are able to give us $1,000 per month. This equates to an annual donation of $12,000. Other companies are able to sponsor our training programs, media projects or give goods in kind.
Whether large or small your partnership is important to the team at Dads4Kids, and your gift will ultimately help the children of Australia. Your tax-deductible gift will help us prevent the harm caused by fatherlessness and change Australia for the better, one father at a time.
Sponsorships & Partnerships
1. Major Sponsor – annual agreed amount
2. TV Sponsor – naming rights sponsorship
3. Gold Partner – $12,000 pa or $1,000 per month
4. Silver Partner – $6,000 pa or $500 per month
5. Bronze Partner – $3,000 pa or $250 per month
6. Excellence in Fathering Partner – $1,200 pa or $100 per month
7. Fatherhood Partner – $240 pa or $20 per month
The Fatherhood Foundation is a Harm Prevention Charity listed under Subdivision 30EA of the Australian Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 with tax-deductible Status (DGR) for donations.
Please contact us at 61-2-4272 6677 or email us for more details.
If you would like to give a one-off gift, arrange a sponsorship or become a partner, please contact Dads4Kids today.
Thank You!
Thanks to the following people for their dedication to making the Weekly Dad Newsletter available each week since 2002:
- Ron Hellyer for his faithful layout and photo editing of the Weekly Dad Newsletter from 2002 – 2019
- Jeff Boundy for his for his creative layout and photo editing of the Weekly Dad Newsletter from 2020 onwards
- Neil Porter for his assistance, we sincerely appreciate all the countless hours you have put in to making the newsletter an inspiring read each week.
Thank you to the following fathers groups:
- Lone Fathers was established in 1973 by Barry Williams. Lone Fathers Association (Australia) Incorporated is a national peak body with a national network of branches. The organisation joins with other groups in promoting the status of family, maintaining family values as a priority in community welfare programs and promoting family as the foundational building block in our society. Lone Fathers is devoted to serving the fathers, mothers and children of Australia as a welfare and educational charitable organisation.
Lone Fathers Association
PO Box 492, Canberra ACT 2601
Ph: 02 6239 4650
Email: president@lonefathers.com.au
Website: www.lonefathers.com.au
- Dads in Distress was started in 2000 by Tony Miller, the father of five children. Since its inception, Dads in Distress has helped thousands of fathers and saved many lives.
Dads in Distress opened a Men’s Survival Centre in Coffs Harbour and are working towards opening similar centres all over Australia. The goal of Dads in Distress is to be a support group for men and to help stem the present trend of male suicide due to the trauma of divorce or separation.
Dads in Distress Inc
Level 35, Tower One, 100 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney NSW 2000
Ph: 1300 853 437
Email: helpline@parentsbeyondbreakup.com
Website: www.parentsbeyondbreakup.com/dids
Our deepest appreciation to these organisations and individuals who have supported the cause of Dads4Kids over the years to encourage and inspire Fathers.