Healthy Men, Healthy Families Healthy Nation
Senate Select Committee on Men's Health Submission
Senate Inquiry Men’s Health, 13 March 2009
List of Supporting Documents & Research Papers
‘Fathers in Families’
© 2005 — documents the high cost of fatherlessness and the subsequent cost to our health as a nation.
Published by Dads4Kids/The Fatherhood Foundation.
‘21 Reasons Why Marriage Matters’
© 2004 — documents the health benefits of strong sustainable marriage to men and women.
Published by Dads4Kids/The Fatherhood Foundation.
‘16 Reasons for Sexual Integrity’
Booklet © 2005 — documents the benefits of promoting quality relationships between men and women, which shows that the practice of sexual integrity safeguards human health.
Published by Dads4Kids/The Fatherhood Foundation.
‘21 Reasons Why Gender Matters’
© 2007 — documents the gender differences between men and women, and the need to celebrate our complementarity; outlines the health benefits that come from positive family relationships.
Published at
‘Mortality over the 20th Century’
A great reference tool for analysis of mortality in Australia.
Report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).
‘The Roseto Effect’
An independent referenced article on the powerful effects of positive relationships for good health.
Related Articles from the Daily Dad
Classics of the Fatherhood Movement — “Not Guilty: The Case in Defense of Men”
In “Not Guilty: The Case in Defense of Men”, David Thomas challenges prevailing narratives around gender roles, particularly the notion that men are inherently oppressive or responsible for societal ills.
Classics of the Fatherhood Movement — “Legalising Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men”
“Legalizing Misandry” argues for a more balanced approach to gender issues, one that does not demonise men or masculinity, but seeks true equality where both genders’ issues are addressed without bias.
How Loving Your Neighbour and Building Relationships Can Add Years to Your Life
A friend of mine challenged me with statistics about the importance of reaching out to your neighbours and building family and community in your own neighbourhood. He gave me three good reasons why hosting a Christmas Street Party for your neighbours is a really good idea.
Exponential Growth of International Men’s Day is Saving Lives Around the Globe
Together with our International Men’s Day Facebook campaign and the organic explosion of International Men’s Day across the world, we, with your help, are saving thousands of men across the world from premature death from suicide.
Why Aren’t Men’s Issues Being Taken Seriously?
Why men’s issues are not taken seriously is a question we often ask ourselves at Dads4Kids. We have been advocating for men’s issues in Australia’s Parliament for over 20 years. We also sponsor International Men’s Day on November 19.
International Men’s Day, November 19
The theme for the 2024 International Men’s Day is ‘Positive Male Role Models.’ It is a time to celebrate good examples of men and to raise awareness of men’s well-being.
Women Need Friends, Men Need Family: UK Study Confirms Importance of Social Networks
From my own experience growing up in a fractured family, good relationships with both family and friends are critical for health, wellbeing and success.
Overview of Recent Family Violence Research Findings
Contrary to common beliefs, up to one in three victims of sexual assault and at least one in three victims of family violence and abuse are male.
Some Benefits of Marriage
Having a healthy and strong marriage is not just a luxury item; it’s something we should strive for and expect. Marriage researchers have determined that having a healthy, happy, fulfilling marriage benefits all family members and society at large.
One Small Step for Chris Woods – One Giant Trek for Mankind
“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” are the immortal words of Neil Armstrong when he stepped onto the moon. Perhaps that is what Chris Woods was thinking when she decided to walk across Australia to help men, and particularly fathers.
‘A Remarkable Woman’: Chris Woods Treks 3,100 Km for Men’s Mental Health
The long journey from Darwin to Adelaide has just been completed on foot by Chris Woods. Her astonishing story and commitment to putting others first is a remarkable achievement, but one done with a big smile on her face.
The Facts on Fatherlessness
Fatherlessness is a growing problem all over the Western world. We urgently need to address the twin problems of fatherlessness and family breakdown. Until we tackle these problems, our children and our societies will continue to suffer.
God is Close to the Lonely
Towards the end of July, we celebrate World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. This year (2024), the theme is loneliness and references Psalm 71:9 — “Do not cast me off in my old age”.
Atomic Habits: Small Changes Can Create Massive Transformation and Great Success
The concept of atomic habits, popularised by James Clear, emphasises the power of making small, routine changes that compound over time. If you build good habits, good results will eventually follow.
Getting Fit and Staying Healthy: 8 Survival Tips for New Dads
Fatherhood is an incredibly rich and thoroughly immersive experience. It’s important to spend a little time to develop habits that will keep you healthy; this is something that can pay big dividends for you and your family in the long run!
Unsung Hero: A Must-See Pro-Family Movie!
Unsung Hero releases in Australian cinemas on Thursday, 30 May 2024. Go and see this exceptional, family-friendly uplifting movie!
Urgent Call to WHO and Member Governments to Address Longevity Crisis Affecting Men
The International Council for Men and Boys (ICMB) is issuing an urgent call to the World Health Organization and to member governments to address the alarming five-year lifespan gender gap between men and women.
Finding Authentic Male Friendship in a Loneliness Epidemic
As a man, I can speak to this deficit of male friendship. Many of us can say hello in passing, talk about the weather, and maybe discuss the latest sports news, but how many of our connections truly care about us and would be there when we need them?
Six Habits of Healthy and Happy People
Whether you’ve got five minutes to spare or want to build lasting habits – today we’re opening the textbook on six scientifically-backed ways to boost your happiness levels!
New Dads Want to Be More Involved, But Aren’t Being Taken Seriously
Until the 1970s, men were banned from the birthing suite. But fathers are now moving from breadwinner and disciplinarian to involved parent.
Barry Williams – Australia’s Historic Lone Voice for Men, Children and Families
In the early seventies, Barry Williams became acutely aware, as a single father to four young children, including a 13-month-old baby, of the lack of support for men and fathers. His lifelong advocacy for single parents and their children has been phenomenal.
How Working on My Health Has Made Me a Better Parent
I want to get as many quality years and moments as I can with my daughter. I don’t want to live in pain if I don’t have to, because it impedes my ability to enjoy her and being a parent.
A New Dad’s Guide to Surviving the First Month
The first four weeks of being a new dad will be one of the scariest times of your life. To make this a little less scary, we’ve compiled a few tips on how to get through it.
Six Ways to Start 2024 as the Healthiest, Happiest You
Living a healthier and happier life doesn’t require a major overhaul of your habits – it’s about small steps to improve short and long-term health, improving your life expectancy and taking time to enjoy every day along the way.
International Men’s Day Largest Global Presentation to Stop Men’s Suicide, Parliament House, Australia
This year, the team at Dads4Kids gave Paul Withall the 2023 International Men's Day Australian Courage Award for his amazing work on promoting the desperate need to reverse the silent epidemic of male suicide in Australia.