The Beautiful Arithmetic of Parenthood
Not only is love a multipliable resource — it is a multiplying force. Such is the beautiful arithmetic of parenthood. Expanding your family expands your heart.
Not only is love a multipliable resource — it is a multiplying force. Such is the beautiful arithmetic of parenthood. Expanding your family expands your heart.
Australia’s politicians are frightened of the very monster they created in family law, the literally hundreds of taxpayer-funded women’s legal services, advocacy groups, refuges, and an armada of feminist academics and activist judges.
This article by Christian Jurinka, "Driving With Dad", brought back some happy memories. Like Christian's, my dad let me steer the car while seated next to him. I was only 12 years of age. I felt so proud. In some ways, it was the rite of passage ceremony I never had, but desperately needed.
One of parents’ constant struggles is trying to be there for our children while also meeting our own needs. What if the solution isn’t found in separation? Instead of asking when we can take a break from our children, we can instead ask a very simple question: How can we do this together?
According to ordo amoris, there is a natural hierarchy in how love and compassion are distributed — beginning first with family, followed by neighbours, community, fellow citizens, and then extending outward to the rest of the world.
If you can, share some memorable stories with your own children. Jodi and I often share memorable stories from our childhoods, especially those involving extended family members.
A week ago, our little miracle man was born. For those unfamiliar with our journey, my wife and I struggled with infertility for over three years, during which time we adopted a beautiful little girl in the United States.
For three decades, Don Mathis has penned a birthday poem for his son. Charlie Mathis turns 32 on 1 February. Written with love, from Dad.
When your backyard feels boring, you’ve walked your neighbourhood one too many times, or another trip to the shops just won’t cut it for your toddler, here are 10 ideas for local family outings that won’t bust the budget.
We teach couples strategies and skills for navigating relationships more effectively. As important as these frameworks are, they are not the critical factor in avoiding divorce or building a successful marriage. Rather, the key appears to lie elsewhere, in the practice of virtues.