Pursuing a Lasting Love
Today, St Valentine's name evokes thoughts of flowers and romantic dinners. Yet St Valentine’s true legacy speaks to something far more profound: the sacrificial nature of authentic love.
Today, St Valentine's name evokes thoughts of flowers and romantic dinners. Yet St Valentine’s true legacy speaks to something far more profound: the sacrificial nature of authentic love.
A week ago, our little miracle man was born. For those unfamiliar with our journey, my wife and I struggled with infertility for over three years, during which time we adopted a beautiful little girl in the United States.
Late last year, Joshua Stylman, a husband, father, entrepreneur and investor from the US state of New York, penned a thought-provoking piece for the Brownstone Institute: "From Marcus Aurelius to Omar Little: A Man’s Code is Vital".
Jason Smith and his wife Paulina, in their Purposeful Parenting scheme, have designed various rites of passage for their teen children centering on fun, responsibility and service as they mature into adulthood. Read on to glean some ideas about how to shape your teen's destiny with such memorable moments.
In 2024, a hurricane of events has forced us to scale back our ordinary observances. It all began in May when we found out that my wife Angie was pregnant with our second child. This miracle news of our new baby turned our plans upside down.
Kevin Andrews Loved God, Loved His Wife, Loved His Family and Loved His Nation
Christmas connects us with powerful childhood memories. For many, the memories are tinged with grief. Let the light of the Bethlehem star illuminate God’s presence in your life and his desire to heal it.
Considering Christmas is only three sleeps away (yikes!), I’d like to share “The Greatest Gift”, a beautiful song featuring Andrea Bocelli.
Whatever your Christmas looks like this year, remember that clutter and chaos have always been part of this ancient celebration — and that God is with us in our mess.