Unplanned Childlessness
As we mark World Childless Week (16-24 September 2024), our question is this: Are our young people given all the information they need to make truly informed choices about their fertility management?
As we mark World Childless Week (16-24 September 2024), our question is this: Are our young people given all the information they need to make truly informed choices about their fertility management?
Our conference on Restoring the Presumption of Innocence was an outstanding success. Messages are pouring in from many of the 200-plus people who sat rapt as our powerful speakers revealed the shocking state of justice facing men in this country.
Having a healthy and strong marriage is not just a luxury item; it’s something we should strive for and expect. Marriage researchers have determined that having a healthy, happy, fulfilling marriage benefits all family members and society at large.
Fatherlessness is a growing problem all over the Western world. We urgently need to address the twin problems of fatherlessness and family breakdown. Until we tackle these problems, our children and our societies will continue to suffer.
The West’s fertility crisis is ultimately an identity crisis. If Western civilisation is fundamentally oppressive, why would we want to perpetuate our existence? If we Westerners are destroying the planet, why should we continue populating it?
Some time ago, we were chatting with a man in his late twenties. He had been living with his girlfriend for some years, and she was restless: she wanted a commitment to marriage and family. After seven years together, he was still uncertain.
Does your baby enjoy having his or her teeth cleaned? What strategies have you implemented for fuss-free dental maintenance?
Dads, let’s look at positive habits we can pursue — 5 things to do that will help us be more affirming and encouraging for our kids and more peaceful with our exes and others.
Kingdom Thinkers Academy (KTA) has launched its online school portal. The portal offers quality options suitable for both the homeschooled and the tutored, and is another innovative move by the Australian start-up.
A video of men being asked to “donate a testicle to fight toxic masculinity”, and fund transgenderism, has gone mainstream.