Squish’s First Day of School… In the Jungle!
One of the highlights for us has been watching our little Squish enjoy her time in the Early Learning Centre — a school we initially built for other children, but that our own daughter now attends!
One of the highlights for us has been watching our little Squish enjoy her time in the Early Learning Centre — a school we initially built for other children, but that our own daughter now attends!
The West’s fertility crisis is ultimately an identity crisis. If Western civilisation is fundamentally oppressive, why would we want to perpetuate our existence? If we Westerners are destroying the planet, why should we continue populating it?
Three years and three months after we began trying, Angie is finally pregnant! In the end, Angie and I cannot take credit for this miracle of pregnancy. There are no silver bullets, but there were three things that seem to have made a big difference in our case.
With so many rapid geographical and cultural changes, the learning curve has been steep, both for us as parents and for our 13-month-old daughter. Here are three tips from our travels so far for navigating cross-cultural travel with your baby.
This weekend, Squish met her Australian cousins for the first time, and the experience was as fun as we had anticipated, for babies and parents alike. To set the scene, let me tell you a bit about my family.
The lesson we learnt is not to worry too much about our child’s milestones, especially if they’re within the broad, acceptable ranges. Every child is different and might bring their various skills together at odd times and in odd combinations.
Being the father of a toddler came at me fast. Before the next big phase arrives, it’s time to slow down and reflect on four simple things I have learnt during Squish’s first year about some parenting basics.
It happened so quickly, I barely noticed the change. But all of a sudden, our little bundle of joy needs to be disciplined. Every moment of the day, she is finding ways to test boundaries and assert her independence.
Our little Squish is fast closing in on her first birthday. Where have these last 12 months gone? My first year of fatherhood has been better than I imagined. It comes with plenty of challenges, of course, but so does every path we choose in life.
For the last two weeks, Squish has been surrounded by all four of her grandparents. It was the first time Elsa had met my mum and dad, who flew in to the United States all the way from Australia.