A Sibling for Squish
For Squish in particular, the arrival of number two will be a game-changer. Here are three things she has to look forward to — three things that will change her life for the better.
For Squish in particular, the arrival of number two will be a game-changer. Here are three things she has to look forward to — three things that will change her life for the better.
If there is just ONE THING you have on hand to give to new dads, I encourage you to have the "Help Me Grow Guide: The First Year". It’s an easy way to bring dads into the wonderful life of their child and encourage their participation right from the start.
Family-friendly attractions often have good deals for toddlers before they turn three, or five. Aussie World at the Sunshine Coast admits children for free up to two years old, so we whisked our infants off to the theme park for Tiny Tots Thursday.
Princess Kate has just finished 9 months of chemotherapy for cancer. She celebrated the end of this time of suffering by releasing a very heartfelt 3-minute video about the stormy trial and the joy of family. It is utterly brilliant.
Loving needs to be unconditional. That’s what we’re all called to do as husbands and fathers. When a family member has a need, we take action. Even if it’s inconvenient! Love is more about commitment than feelings. But thankfully, the loving feelings will often follow the loving actions.
As we mark World Childless Week (16-24 September 2024), our question is this: Are our young people given all the information they need to make truly informed choices about their fertility management?
Having a healthy and strong marriage is not just a luxury item; it’s something we should strive for and expect. Marriage researchers have determined that having a healthy, happy, fulfilling marriage benefits all family members and society at large.
The West’s fertility crisis is ultimately an identity crisis. If Western civilisation is fundamentally oppressive, why would we want to perpetuate our existence? If we Westerners are destroying the planet, why should we continue populating it?
Father’s Day is for all the dads you know, so let’s consider broadening the boundaries of Father’s Day to include a few more men who could use an encouraging word. Here are a few men to keep in mind on Father’s Day and questions to help inspire a meaningful message.
Fond memories of childhood and beyond, encapsulated in a little red wagon.