
  • prevent tantrums ~ shop well

Shop Well, Stay Well

If it’s in the pantry, you’ll eat it. I know it sounds like common sense, but it’s true! If we shop well and keep tempting treats out of our reach, it makes it far easier to make healthier choices every day. It’s a fact that one in three cancer cases is preventable through simple lifestyle adjustments, including eating healthier and maintaining a healthy weight, so it’s important we get our dietary ...

By |2023-06-19T08:25:32+10:00June 19th, 2023|MOTHERS|0 Comments
  • family time

Quality Family Time is Good Medicine

A unique story testifying to the bond between father and daughter has set parts of the internet on fire. Luis, a 78-old-year old dad living in Spain, was forced into a retirement home because of a loss of independence. This separated Luis from his inseparable, 38-year-old daughter, Estefania, who was born with Down Syndrome. Although Estefania lives in the same centre as her father, their necessary level of care requires ...

By |2023-02-23T13:02:20+10:00February 23rd, 2023|NEW DADS, Children, Dads, FAMILIES, NEWS, RESEARCH & SCIENCE|0 Comments
  • best

The Best Things About Being a Single Dad

A few weeks ago, on an impulse and wanting to share a snapshot of my post-separation status, I wrote a part-whimsical, part-serious piece about the worst parts of being a single dad. By implication, if some parts are worst, then there must be some best bits, says my cerebral dialogue. Voice Number One says the best bit is simply being a dad. Voice Number One ignores the “single” tag and just ...

By |2023-02-21T21:41:46+10:00February 21st, 2023|SINGLE DADS|1 Comment
  • single dad

The Worst Things About Being a Single Dad

I separated from my ex-wife a few years ago. I think that it was five years ago. It could have been six. On reflection, the first six months seemed like six years. During the frenzied rush of committing to a rental and buying a car and purchasing beds for my daughters, plenty of well-meaning people offered the saying that “things will get better… they always do!” Yes, things do get better, ...

By |2023-02-08T22:39:09+10:00February 7th, 2023|SINGLE DADS|0 Comments
  • watermelon

Ideal Summer Thirst Quencher

There’s nothing like biting into a wedge of crispy cold watermelon on a hot summer’s day. For me, it brings back vivid childhood memories of being with my family during scorching heat waves in Australia. My dad would always make sure to pick the ripest watermelon by tapping it. If it made a hollow sound all around, then it was perfect to be devoured on the beach during the day, or ...

By |2023-01-06T17:06:37+10:00January 9th, 2023|MOTHERS, Children, FAMILIES, NEWS, RESEARCH & SCIENCE|0 Comments
  • children

40 Things Dads Can Do with Their Children

“Children need your presence more than they need your presents,” are the wise words of Jesse Jackson. Both Dads and kids need a purpose to develop the art of presence. To assist you in this art, we have gathered together 40 things that Dads can do with their children. This is particularly relevant over holiday periods. Almost 80% of them don’t require any money, but they do require effort and execution. ...

By |2022-12-26T09:01:12+10:00December 23rd, 2022|Dads, Children, FAMILIES|1 Comment
  • breakfast

Skip Something This Morning?

'Fess up -- did you skip breakfast this morning? If so (whether it was a pure mistake and your cereal’s still sitting on your bench going soggy, or you make a point of skipping what’s been hailed the most important meal of the day), you’re not alone. More than half of all Aussie adults and one in seven Aussie kids start their day without cereal, toast, yoghurt, fruit or a smoothie ...

By |2022-11-22T10:39:54+10:00November 21st, 2022|MOTHERS, MENS HEALTH|0 Comments
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