
  • what women want

Manliness – What Women Want in a Man

“As iron sharpens iron so does the face of a man’s friend,” is a saying from the book of Proverbs. It really sums up the mysterious masculine healing power that is released when men gather together for a noble purpose. I have experienced this mysterious force in men’s gatherings at so many different levels and in so many different ways, for the last 40 years. I just love it when men ...

  • affair

Is Recovering from an Affair Possible?

What is worse than death of a partner in a relationship? For those who have been through it, finding your partner has cheated on you brings pain that can seem to be impossible to deal with. How will your relationship survive? How will you survive? What about the kids? In this blogpost and podcast, Phil will give you hope and a pathway forward that works. Help! My Partner Has Had An ...

  • stepfather

The Effective Stepfather: A Checklist to Live By

Anyone who has been a father and then a stepfather knows that they aren’t the same. While many aspects of these two roles are similar, it is the unique ones that lead to disillusionment. Franklin put it this way: “I’ve been to every Promise Keepers conference and I’ve studied fathering with my men’s group many times. But nothing has prepared me for being a stepfather. With my own kids I have a ...

By |2021-06-06T09:02:31+10:00May 31st, 2021|STEPDADS, Children, FAITH, FAMILIES|0 Comments

Christmas Street Parties will Help You Live Longer

If you are like me, you care about Australia and you would like to do something to make things better, not only for your children but for the community as a whole. The reality is that in many ways we are more connected than we have ever been through social media, but less connected at a human level. As Jay Bayer points out so well in his article, ‘Social media, Pretend ...

By |2021-12-31T18:55:40+10:00December 7th, 2013|Dads, MENS HEALTH, NEWS, RESEARCH & SCIENCE|2 Comments

Family Factories

My father gets a faraway look in his eye that’s unmistakeable.  As his craggy face turns towards the horizon and his eyes seek out the glint of snow-capped peaks, we all know what he is thinking.  Mountaintops have always had that magnetic effect on him. The feature story in a Reader's Digest began with the above quote.  It was a most interesting article about Edmund Hillary written by his son Peter ...

By |2021-05-18T13:31:08+10:00October 5th, 2013|Dads, Children, FAMILIES, RITES OF PASSAGE|0 Comments
  • mate-ship


I was speaking at a DIDS meeting in rural New South Wales last night and I was commending the group for becoming real lifesavers in reaching out to each other in support. I told them that this country was once renowned for its mateship, and sadly I believe we have lost that somehow. We have lost the knowledge of what being a mate is all about. It is my belief that ...

By |2021-09-06T14:40:31+10:00August 21st, 2005|SINGLE DADS, FAITH, MENS HEALTH|0 Comments
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