The resources section of the Dads4Kids website is a forum for Dads to be able to express themselves and encourage other dads. Mothers contribute resources as well. The opinions of the various writers in this section are not necessarily the opinion of Dads4Kids. Read More
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Urgent Call to WHO and Member Governments to Address Longevity Crisis Affecting Men
The International Council for Men and Boys (ICMB) is issuing an urgent call to the World Health Organization and to member governments to address the alarming five-year lifespan gender gap between men and women.
False Allegations are a Global Threat to Justice and to Real Victims
In most countries, the majority said the false accuser was female and the accused person was male. Alarmingly, about one-third reported the false allegations were weaponised in child custody disputes. To help raise awareness, International Falsely Accused Day is held on 9 September.
Masculinity is Not Toxic
Our forefathers would roll in their graves (and they’d roll their eyes too if they could) if they knew some 21st-century Westerners put ‘toxic’ and ‘masculinity’ in the same sentence. The truth is that healthy masculinity is a marvellous force for good.
Aussie Men Are Good, Not ‘Toxic’
The fact is that the data simply doesn't support the narrative being pushed by the left-wing media, bureaucrats and activists: that the problem of intimate partner homicide is getting worse, or that all men are somehow to blame, or that Australia has any kind of toxic male cultural problem.
Locked Up Without a Trial
The price we pay for knee-jerk responses to a very complex issue is that thousands of, both legally and factually innocent, men are locked up in jails across the country.
Restoring the Presumption of Innocence Conference
Equality before the law no longer exists in Australia. The presumption of innocence has been tossed aside – totally discarded by our biased media and undermined by regular legislative tampering with basic principles of justice.
Barry Williams — Eulogy by John Anderson, a friend from Canberra
Barry Williams was a tireless worker and advocate for children’s rights, lone fathers and families. Even after his medical episode, he did not relent. He started the Lone Fathers ACT (LFA) branch in 1972 and later extended it to a national body.
The Embarrassing Fiasco that International Women’s Day Has Become
What explains the rising global discontent with feminism? To answer that question, we need to look no further than the recent observance of International Women’s Day, just held on March 8.
Personal Tribute to My Grandfather (Poppy): An Amazing Family Man
Poppy prevailed and received custody, becoming the first man in Australia to win custody, and therefore, setting the precedent for the future of men’s rights in Australia.
Chief Prosecutor Surrenders
For all the judges’ talk about unmeritorious cases unlikely to convince a jury, the fact is that many of our juries are sending innocent men to prison — even when the evidence doesn’t stack up.
Winging It as a Single Father: How Did I Get Here?
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Barry Williams – Australia’s Historic Lone Voice for Men, Children and Families
In the early seventies, Barry Williams became acutely aware, as a single father to four young children, including a 13-month-old baby, of the lack of support for men and fathers. His lifelong advocacy for single parents and their children has been phenomenal.
Tribute for Barry Williams from the Shared Parenting Council of Australia
My name is Wayne Butler. I have known and worked with Barry Williams, the founder of the Lone Fathers Association, since 2001. Please find my video tribute to my dear friend and colleague Barry Williams here below.
Feminism’s Workplace Gulags
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Sanity Prevails in Family Court: Evidence Allowed from Expert Opposing Gender Transition
Sanity has prevailed in the case of a gender dysphoric child currently before the Family Court, with the judge allowing evidence from an expert who believes that rates of gender dysphoria are on the rise due to social contagion.
I Failed the Sippy Cup Test – and That’s a Good Thing!
After two decades of caring for other people’s children, Emma believes she can sum up the problem with modern parents with one simple test: Pour your child’s milk into a pink sippy cup. If they declare, ‘But I wanted the blue one!’, what do you do?
Children That Belong to Other Men
I don’t think God’s plan stipulated that children were supposed to live apart from their fathers – but this is what’s happening all over the world. So, I wrote a poem that I hope will raise awareness of this injustice, that I hope will make a change.
I Am a Dad Whose Daughters Have Been Robbed from Me, But I Can Do Nothing
If a father had done what the mother in the story below did, there would have been a police chase, which would have been on the nightly news. The headline would have been ‘Criminal Father Abducts Daughters’.
Family Law Court: Trial by Fire
Due to the inaction of the Family Court in enforcing court orders and punishing contravention of court orders, they have aided the parental alienation and psychological abuse which my sons are experiencing from their mother.
International Men’s Day Largest Global Presentation to Stop Men’s Suicide, Parliament House, Australia
This year, the team at Dads4Kids gave Paul Withall the 2023 International Men's Day Australian Courage Award for his amazing work on promoting the desperate need to reverse the silent epidemic of male suicide in Australia.
Lynching of Men is Our National Sport
If Australia’s male suicide rate could be reduced to that of the rest of the world, 10 men per week would be saved from an early death.
2500 Empty Shoes: Male Suicide Visual Presentation for International Men’s Day
2500 Empty Shoes is a visual presentation on male suicide, held this year on 16 and 19 November on the lawns of Parliament House, Canberra. Day 2 coincides with International Men’s Day.
Parliament Votes for More Fatherless Children
Don’t you reckon that even more ordinary Aussies would stand up and be counted if they knew about this appallingly damaging new Family Law bill, rammed through parliament this week with no proper scrutiny and no mandate?
Another Stolen Generation of Children
The Labor Party Family Law Amendment Bill 2023, which passed in Parliament this Thursday, 19 October 2023, created a day of mourning for Australian children.
Don’t Mention the War!
Why no one dares talk about how the new family law bill empowers women to destroy men using false allegations.