
  • friendship app

New App Aims to Fix the Male ‘Friendship Gap’ in Australia

Australian mateship is a cornerstone of our culture, but an increasing number of Australia men say they’re lonely. A new app aims to bring them back together. January 2023: Whether it’s used to describe friends who are always free for a beer or soldiers on the battlefield, the term ‘mateship’ is a symbol of unconditional support, especially when times are challenging. But, there’s a gap between the iconic idea of mateship ...

By |2023-02-10T07:57:11+10:00February 10th, 2023|Dads|0 Comments
  • single dad

The Worst Things About Being a Single Dad

I separated from my ex-wife a few years ago. I think that it was five years ago. It could have been six. On reflection, the first six months seemed like six years. During the frenzied rush of committing to a rental and buying a car and purchasing beds for my daughters, plenty of well-meaning people offered the saying that “things will get better… they always do!” Yes, things do get better, ...

By |2023-02-08T22:39:09+10:00February 7th, 2023|SINGLE DADS|0 Comments
  • marriage and money

Marriage is More than Money

A Pew study released mid-January suggests a majority of mums and dads in the United States are prioritising money over marriage. 90% of those quizzed about ‘aspirations’ for their children ‘prioritized financial independence and career satisfaction’ as numero uno. Material Success The Research Centre’s findings claimed that for a majority of parents, ‘it’s extremely or very important their children be financially independent when they are adults.’ Almost as ‘equally important’ for ...

By |2023-02-01T16:05:33+10:00February 2nd, 2023|NEW DADS, Children, FAMILIES, NEWS, RESEARCH & SCIENCE|0 Comments
  • digital technology

Seven Dangers of the Digital World & Seven Ways Dads Can Overcome Them

Yesterday I heard a disturbing story. My friend rang me to share how his son had recently gone through a very sad divorce. He shared with his Dad how the unreality of the digital world, that many young people live in today, was a major contributor to his divorce and his general lack of wellbeing. My friend’s son pointed out that after a while, for the inhabitant of the digital world, ...

Christmas Street Parties will Help You Live Longer

If you are like me, you care about Australia and you would like to do something to make things better, not only for your children but for the community as a whole. The reality is that in many ways we are more connected than we have ever been through social media, but less connected at a human level. As Jay Bayer points out so well in his article, ‘Social media, Pretend ...

By |2021-12-31T18:55:40+10:00December 7th, 2013|Dads, MENS HEALTH, NEWS, RESEARCH & SCIENCE|2 Comments
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