The Failure of Family Law Reform in Australia
The year 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Family Law Act, the single most impactful and destructive piece of legislation to ever pass the Australian parliament.
The year 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Family Law Act, the single most impactful and destructive piece of legislation to ever pass the Australian parliament.
Have extremists taken over? Are all men really bastards? “Who Stole Feminism?” by Christina Hoff Sommers is a critical examination of what the author terms “gender feminism,” as opposed to “equity feminism.”
"‘Why Can't We Hate Men?’ asks a headline in 'The Washington Post'. A trendy hashtag is #KillAllMen. Books are sold titled ‘I Hate Men’, ‘No Good Men’, and ‘Are Men Necessary’? How did an ideology arise that condemns masculinity as dangerous and destructive?”
For all the judges’ talk about unmeritorious cases unlikely to convince a jury, the fact is that many of our juries are sending innocent men to prison — even when the evidence doesn’t stack up.
Jordan Peterson issues a fresh challenge to men, to follow their highest impulses and become the strong husbands and fathers they are meant to be; to find and fulfil their purpose in life, in service to the community and the world. I first wrote about Jordan Peterson on 18 February 2018 after his breakthrough interview with Kathy Newman about his new book, 12 Rules for Life. That interview reached 7 million ...