Looking back over my life, I can pinpoint precise moments where meaning and purpose were crystallised for me. Being baptised in my early teens was one. Marrying my beautiful wife Jodi in 2004 was another, still the best day of my life. The birth of each of our five daughters were also crystallising, slightly terrifying moments (and with our first two being twins, a baptism of fire at times!)

In addition to the joy my family life brings, a great delight and driving force for me is helping dads become the best they can be. In today’s Western society, little else is more needed. Men and fathers with a clear purpose, a code to live by, are a force to be reckoned with. To quote the classic Blues Brothers film, more men ‘on a mission from God’ is exactly what our world needs.

That’s why the mission of Dads4Kids is to equip, encourage and inspire fathers, and one of the ways we do this is through our Courageous Online Fathering Course.

In our new Courageous Fathering Course video, Torie and Milly Alosi, parents of two boys, tell their story. Torie explains:

‘I was a new dad. My son was about three years old. I was introduced to one of the Dads4Kids courses, and so I thought it’d be a great idea, and so I jumped in.

The stuff that I learned back then is now starting to come to fruit as the boys get older and our relationship (as husband and wife) matures as well.

If I want the best for my kids and family, I’m willing to do what’s necessary, and if that means spending an hour with a group of men once a week… it’s actually really good, then so be it and I’m going to listen and learn.’

Milly jumps in:

‘He was getting things from the course, and there was homework, which was good bonding time… It helped us to focus on what is our family vision and things that we probably never even spoke about.’

Torie continues:

‘There’s no greater investment than into your family and into your wife. It’s a course that is a necessity and it is going to be one of the greatest investments that you do… So I say just do it!’

I couldn’t agree more with Torie and Milly!

I’ve been blessed to see firsthand the amazing difference Dads4Kids has made, and continues to make, in the lives of thousands of men. By God’s grace, through our courses and events, countless men and their families have been equipped, encouraged and inspired.

2025 is shaping up to be another big year for Dads4Kids with our next Courageous Fathering Course kicking off on Thursday 6 February – click here to find out more.

Here’s some more encouragement from Torie!

And considering it’s December, here’s a gift from the interwebs featuring American actor and filmmaker Shia LaBeouf that keeps on giving. LaBeouf certainly has a colourful past, but he seems to have turned a corner in recent years.

Uploaded back in 2015, and considering his challenges at the time, everyone thought the one-minute video was a joke (maybe it was?). Fifty-one million views (and still counting) later, it hits different.

The video features LaBeouf’s trademark intensity, and you may laugh or cry (or both). My prayer is that it, along with Torie and Milly’s story, encourages you to be the best you can be.


Watch, like and share the videos, and while you’re at it, make sure you’re subscribed to the Dads4Kids YouTube Channel. If you can, round up some mates and register for the next Courageous Online Fathering Course starting 7:30pm (AEDT) 6 February 2025. As Torie Alosi and Shia LaBeouf said, JUST DO IT!

Yours for Courageous Fathering,
Nathaniel Marsh

P.S. Thanks to the generous support of our amazing donors, we’re able to send you our free email newsletter. If you enjoy receiving weekly inspiration and encouragement from Dads4Kids, please consider supporting Dads4Kids on a monthly basis.


Image courtesy of Adobe.

About the Author: Nathaniel Marsh

Qualified Trainer for Dads4Kids, Nathaniel is passionate to see hearts turn to the Father. As a professional filmmaker, Nat worked in advertising and television for 20 years and has been helping Dads4Kids behind the scenes since 2002. Nat has been married to Jodi since 2004, and they have five daughters.

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