Classics of the Fatherhood Movement — “Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers”

Stephen Baskerville’s "Taken into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, and the Family" presents a scathing critique of the American divorce and family court system, arguing that it systematically undermines the traditional family structure, particularly by marginalising fathers.

  • music

Music Training Speeds Up Brain Development in Children

by Assal Habibi  Observing a pianist at a recital – converting musical notations into precisely timed finger movements on a piano – can be a powerful emotional experience. As a researcher of neuroscience and a pianist myself, I understand that the mastering of this skill not only takes practice, but also requires complex coordination of many different brain regions. Brain regions – that are responsible for our hearing, sight and movement ...

By |2023-08-24T14:11:24+10:00August 24th, 2023|NEWS, RESEARCH & SCIENCE, Children|0 Comments
  • fathers

Fathers Are Crucial to Healthy Outcomes for Kids, Studies Confirm

by Dan Hart As the US celebrated Father’s Day recently, two recent studies confirm that fathers play a central role in the mental health and behaviour of their children. In a report that compared dozens of studies conducted between 1987 and 2022, the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) found “clear correlations between children raised in fatherless homes and developmental challenges ranging from bad grades, anxiety, and suicide to violent behaviour, drug ...

By |2023-06-28T07:38:39+10:00June 27th, 2023|NEWS, RESEARCH & SCIENCE, Children, Dads, FAITH, FAMILIES|0 Comments
  • marriage and money

Marriage is More than Money

A Pew study released mid-January suggests a majority of mums and dads in the United States are prioritising money over marriage. 90% of those quizzed about ‘aspirations’ for their children ‘prioritized financial independence and career satisfaction’ as numero uno. Material Success The Research Centre’s findings claimed that for a majority of parents, ‘it’s extremely or very important their children be financially independent when they are adults.’ Almost as ‘equally important’ for ...

By |2023-02-01T16:05:33+10:00February 2nd, 2023|NEW DADS, Children, FAMILIES, NEWS, RESEARCH & SCIENCE|0 Comments
  • DeSantis family

Florida Fights Fatherless Crisis by Signing Fatherhood Initiative Into Law

Florida’s controversial governor and father of three Ron DeSantis has weighed into the fatherlessness crisis by signing a fatherhood initiative into law. Dubbed the Fatherless Initiative, the core of DeSantis’ HB (House Bill) 7065 is about helping at-risk youth, through ‘mentor programs, education’, as well as ‘one-on-one support to encourage responsible and involved fatherhood in Florida.’ The ex-JAG Republican Governor signed groundbreaking kids’ legislation in April. One of the bill’s principal ...

By |2022-06-11T12:44:18+10:00June 11th, 2022|NEW DADS, Dads, NEWS, RESEARCH & SCIENCE|0 Comments
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