
  • guard against pornography

Boys and Internet Pornography

A concerned mother reflects on how she can best protect her young sons from the lure of internet pornography. I don’t have a blueprint for this brave new online world, where just typing ‘breastfeeding’ into a search engine produces a minefield of lurid possibilities. Steve Biddulph, author of Raising Boys and Raising Girls, wrote an article in the Sydney Morning Herald that really resonated with me. He highlighted the fact that ...

By |2022-07-20T23:51:04+10:00July 20th, 2022|MOTHERS, Children, FAITH|0 Comments
  • digital technology

Digital Detox

With the young becoming quickly addicted to digital technology and social media, parents need to be aware and prepared for disciplining and guiding their children in the use of the internet. Whether we like it or not, you and I are pioneers in this brave new world of parenting in cyberspace. Answering questions our parents never had to deal with, like: is my child too young to have a Twitter account? ...

By |2022-01-17T23:17:22+10:00January 18th, 2022|MOTHERS, Children|0 Comments
  • chuck norris

10 Chuck Norris Facts That Are Fuel for Dad Life

The internet was ablaze in the 2000s with quips featuring American actor Chuck Norris (aka Carlos Ray Norris). Some of the best examples included, “Chuck Norris’s mind is connected to the internet. He refreshes Web pages by blinking;” and “Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils water with his rage.” Another is, “Chuck Norris can ride a motor without a cycle.” Add to this, “When Chuck Norris crosses ...

By |2021-10-22T22:42:08+10:00October 23rd, 2021|NEW DADS, Dads, FAMILIES, MANHOOD|0 Comments
  • digital technology

Seven Dangers of the Digital World & Seven Ways Dads Can Overcome Them

Yesterday I heard a disturbing story. My friend rang me to share how his son had recently gone through a very sad divorce. He shared with his Dad how the unreality of the digital world, that many young people live in today, was a major contributor to his divorce and his general lack of wellbeing. My friend’s son pointed out that after a while, for the inhabitant of the digital world, ...

Last Words to Dads

Only a few days ago, I got a call from the eldest daughter of a dear friend telling me that her Dad had passed way from a heart attack. Ian was at his work, and without any apparent warning, he collapsed and died. He was comparatively young and in good health. After the phone call, I was in a state of shock. We didn’t see each other a lot but we ...

By |2021-05-14T13:18:57+10:00June 3rd, 2019|Children, Dads, FAMILIES, LOVE & MARRIAGE|0 Comments

The Technology Trap

The phrase ‘I am Spartacus!’ was taken from the 1960 film Spartacus by Stanley Kubrick. Historically, Spartacus was a slave who trained as a gladiator under oppressive Roman rule, and who led a slave rebellion in 73 BC. He amassed a large army of fellow slaves and led his men to defeat the Roman legion on several occasions. Eventually, the Roman Senate sent Marcus Crassus to put down this rebellion with ...

By |2019-03-18T14:33:01+10:00March 18th, 2019|Children, Dads, FAMILIES|0 Comments

What’s Happening to Our Boys?

“What’s Happening to Our Boys?” is the title of a book by well-known author Maggie Hamilton and released by Penguin Books. We have covered this book before, but this content is still incredibly relevant. All the more relevant as we approach International Boys' Day on 16 May 2019. Put it in your diary now! Gary Bryant, from the Western Australian Men’s Advisory Network, says of ‘What’s Happening to Our Boys?’: As ...

By |2019-03-11T07:02:41+10:00March 11th, 2019|Children|0 Comments
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