If you’re a long-time reader of this column, you know the United States national anthem The Star-Spangled Banner holds a special place in Marsh family hearts. Back in 2018, my gifted sister Melodie (@langsidemusic) opened a USA vs Canada Ice Hockey match in Sydney with a beautiful rendition of the exceptional US anthem.

You can read more about it here and pick up some tips from our parents, Dads4Kids founders Warwick and Alison Marsh. It was certainly a proud Marsh family moment!

There’s something special about The Star-Spangled Banner. Perhaps it’s the strong bond our nations share, forged in the Battle for Australia during World War 2. I certainly respect and appreciate American exceptionalism.

Both the USA and Australia were founded on Judeo-Christian values, and recent political developments in the US have given me, a regular Aussie bloke, hope for the future of the free world.

So, when I heard Chris Stapleton’s version of The Star-Spangled Banner to open Super Bowl LVII, I had spine-tingles. Like many of the red-blooded American footballers on the telecast, I may have even shed a tear or two. It’s well worth a watch.

Kentucky-born singer-songwriter, guitarist and record producer Chris Stapleton is a 10x Grammy, 16x CMA and 15x ACM Award-winner and a respected and beloved US musician. He’s a big man with an even bigger voice. As is so often the case in the music industry, he’s a 20–30-year overnight success.

My family and I are big fans, but one of the best things about Stapleton is his wife Morgane. Married since 2007, they often perform together and blend beautifully on classic tracks such as You Should Probably Leave, Broken Halos, and the toe-tapping Arkansas.

According to the interwebs, Stapleton has said he struggles with stage fright, but having Morgane by his side is a great support. When he and singer-songwriter Dua Lipa performed Think I’m In Love With You together at the ACM Awards, the Stapletons had eyes only for each other. During the performance, Lipa even steps back to ensure she doesn’t interrupt Chris and Morgane’s electric chemistry.

As we enter December, a time to celebrate The Greatest Gift, may I share with you the lyrics to another Stapleton classic, Millionaire, written by Kevin Welch:

They say, “Love is more precious than gold”
Can’t be bought and it can’t be sold
I got love enough to spare
That makes me a millionaire

I got a woman with eyes that shine
Down deep as a diamond mine
She’s my treasure so very rare
She’s made me a millionaire

When we ride around, ride around this old town
In my beat-up car, with the windows down
People look at her and they look at me
And say, “That boy is sure living in luxury”
Sweet luxury

Because love is more precious than gold
It can’t be bought, never could be sold
I got love enough to share
That makes me a millionaire

When the kisses fall from everywhere
Like riches on, a millionaire
When my pockets are empty and my cupboard is bare
I still feel like a millionaire

‘Cause love is more precious than gold
It can’t be bought, no, and it can’t be sold
I got love enough to spare
That makes me a millionaire

As @tylerwetzel770 commented on Stapleton’s Millionaire YouTube video, ‘The way these two look at each other when they perform, that’s what love looks like.’ I couldn’t agree more!


If you’re blessed as I am to have a beautiful wife and children, count yourself as ‘living in luxury’. Even if your pockets are empty (as mine often are), consider yourself abundantly blessed to have family in your life. If you can, ride around town with your family this December, with the windows down, play Stapleton’s Millionaire, and make sure you play it loud.

Yours for love more precious than gold,
Nathaniel Marsh

P.S.: 3rd December 2024 is Giving Tuesday, a global generosity movement to unleash the power of radical generosity around the world. Please keep an eye on your inbox this upcoming Tuesday to find out more about Dads4Kids’ vision to Build Men, Grow Fathers, and Change Generations.

If you’re encouraged by our work, please consider making a tax-deductible donation here.


Image courtesy of Adobe.

Published On: November 29th, 20240 Comments on MillionaireTags: , , , ,

About the Author: Nathaniel Marsh

Qualified Trainer for Dads4Kids, Nathaniel is passionate to see hearts turn to the Father. As a professional filmmaker, Nat worked in advertising and television for 20 years and has been helping Dads4Kids behind the scenes since 2002. Nat has been married to Jodi since 2004, and they have five daughters.

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