Reflecting on Father’s Day
A painting can inspire a poem. A remembrance can add texture. A Father’s Day reflection can provide depth.
Cloudy Memories
The stratus in the distance
lies flat like a memory of a memory
Grey recollections begin to form
swirling, joining, dissipating, uniting again
Mammatus memories begin to build
shaped by the weight of lenticular light
Remembrances rise like cumulus
into the atmosphere
Cirrus shapes shift,
lifting on the latitude,
altitude, attitude, all rising
And there in the cumulonimbus
near the top of the troposphere,
I see the face of my father.
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Poem inspired by
Mark Maggiori, Once Upon a Time, Oil on linen, 36” x 34”
Used by permission, Briscoe Western Art Museum and Mark Maggiori.
Image courtesy of Adobe.