
  • rock - I choose you

Being the Rock

While much in the way of traditional gender roles has shifted in modern times, most women I know still want a man who can be the rock in the relationship. But just what does being the rock entail? I asked this question in the Community, and this is what a few of the men had to say: Jamie said: “To me, that means being mature, guided by reason and my family’s best ...

By |2022-09-16T12:14:38+10:00September 16th, 2022|LOVE & MARRIAGE, MANHOOD|1 Comment
  • father

You are Never Ready to Lose Your Father

Jordan Peterson says, “It is necessary to be strong in the face of death, because death is intrinsic to life. It is for this reason that I tell my students: aim to be the person at your father's funeral that everyone, in their grief and misery, can rely on. There's a worthy and noble ambition: strength in the face of adversity.” I wish I had heard the wisdom in his words ...

By |2021-10-17T12:07:34+10:00October 16th, 2021|Dads, FAMILIES, MANHOOD|3 Comments

War On Boys

It is always a great thing when respected leaders take a stand for the male of the species, especially for our young boys. Sadly, the vendetta against men and boys seems to be gathering momentum. ‘Toxic masculinity’ seems to be the buzzword of the moment. In 2000, Christina Hoff Sommers published The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men. In the book, Sommers challenged what she called ...

By |2021-05-14T12:33:50+10:00November 2nd, 2019|Children, Dads, GOOD BOOKS & VIDEOS, MANHOOD|0 Comments
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