
  • friendship

We Just Want to Belong: Friendship

Although we all pursue it in different ways, friendship is a natural part of human life. It is critical that parents pray for their children to gain quality lifelong friends. When it comes to friendships I tend to be a drifter. I don’t actually have a best friend. My best friend is Jacob. I do have close relationships with friends that if there was ever a family emergency or a Birthday ...

By |2021-12-15T09:37:08+10:00October 7th, 2021|FAMILIES, Children, Dads, MOTHERS|0 Comments
  • Main Image: True Fatherhood in Action

Watch True Fatherhood in Action

True fatherhood means the world to your kids, and, whether they know it or not, you have a massive influence on their lives. Dads, you're kind of a big deal! Dad the Superman! Recently, we celebrated my hubby’s birthday and discovered, all too late, that we’d run out of ‘grown up’ candles. Of course, our boys were poised on their daddy’s lap in anticipation of the official ‘blowing out of birthday ...

By |2021-09-13T18:26:41+10:00September 14th, 2021|Dads, Children, FAMILIES, MANHOOD, NEW DADS|0 Comments
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