
The Musical Man

One of the joys of being in the men’s movement is meeting people on the journey. The men’s movement is filled with poets, artists, musicians and ratbags of which I am chief. My friend Noel Giblett is one of those many poetic minstrels and for the purpose of this newsletter, I am calling him ‘the musical man’. Before I tell you about Noel and his latest album, Surrender, let me tell ...

By |2021-05-18T11:50:40+10:00December 21st, 2013|FAMILIES, MANHOOD, RITES OF PASSAGE|0 Comments

Family Factories

My father gets a faraway look in his eye that’s unmistakeable.  As his craggy face turns towards the horizon and his eyes seek out the glint of snow-capped peaks, we all know what he is thinking.  Mountaintops have always had that magnetic effect on him. The feature story in a Reader's Digest began with the above quote.  It was a most interesting article about Edmund Hillary written by his son Peter ...

By |2021-05-18T13:31:08+10:00October 5th, 2013|Dads, Children, FAMILIES, RITES OF PASSAGE|0 Comments
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