Can you be overly protective of your wife and kids? How do you walk the balance between care and responsibility? That is the topic of Real Talk 4 Real Men episode #27.

Are you confident that you are preparing your young adults well for handling the responsibilities that come with adulthood?

Have you prepared your wife to be able to live well without you, should you suddenly be taken off this big blue ball?

Do you care too much? Do they have enough responsibility, or not enough?

In episode number 27 of Real Talk 4 Real Men, Chris raises the question …

Are you walking the right balance between care and responsibility?

You can stream the 30-minutes podcast by clicking below:

In this episode, we address these questions and more:

  • Your kids’ opinion of you will change as they grow up: how are you doing accepting that?
  • How are you managing with your young adults challenging your opinion?
  • Are you unconsciously preventing your child from taking on responsibility?
  • Have you considered that perhaps you are not protecting your kid — you are really controlling them?

In the podcast, Chris shares how, as a dad, we must come to terms with not always being our child’s world. We also need to face the facts that you will never have fully ‘arrived’ as a dad or as a husband.

Your relationship with your kids will always be a work in progress.
~ Chris Field

You need to have a plan for how you are going to transition them and you from the relationship you have now to what will be.

Your Kids Don’t Need You To Be A Perfect Dad

There is no such thing as a perfect dad, and neither should there be.  Yes, we all aspire to be awesome dads, and yes that is a good aspiration to have.  But have you ever considered that if you were perfect, then your child would be completely unprepared to interact in an imperfect world, would struggle being married to an imperfect woman, and have to struggle as an imperfect dad without ever having a model to follow of how to cope with being imperfect?

What is the answer?

We need to learn to maturely and wisely process the transition dynamic that is going to happen in all of our lives.
~ Chris Field

But beware of our biggest danger to doing this well… and learn what is the biggest antidote in the world to our mistakes.

You’ll discover all this and more with Chris and Guy in episode 27. Listen by clicking below:

So men, think about this issue and evaluate how you are managing your relationships with your loved ones.


Originally published at Real Men 24/7.
Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels.

About the Author: Guy Mullon and Chris Field

Chris Field and Guy Mullon team up as the podcast bros to bring you Real Talk 4 Real Men. It is a show where they tackle the real issues faced by men in today's world. With guests or just with the two of them, you will always be guaranteed to get challenged and encouraged and to get it real across the life topics of business, family, faith and a man's own well-being. You can find Chris' blog here and find his YouTube channel here.

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