Listen to author Annette Spurr’s interview with Focus on the Family Australia here.
‘While we try to teach our children all about life,
our children teach us what life is all about.’
~ Angela Schwindt
Nothing can truly prepare you for parenthood. The tears and tantrums, toilet training, sleepless nights, the worry that you’re not doing it right, or the indescribable love that changes everything.
As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I promptly bought every parenting manual on the market, determined to ‘get it right.’ But nothing could prepare me for what was to come…
In the few short years since becoming a mother, I have learnt so much more about life than in all my years prior, and from the most surprising source… my children.
I’m sure you can relate to many of the stories and have many of your own. I’d love to hear them so please email me if you’d like to share them.
To download a free copy of my e-book Through My Child’s Eyes, simply click here.
Originally published at Mum Daily.
Photo by Anastasiya Gepp from Pexels.