
  • commitment challenge

The Commitment Challenge #2

What Are the Signs and What Do They Mean? In today’s dating scene, there is a great deal of confusion about commitment and what it means. Scott Stanley*, one of the foremost thinkers on commitment, suggests that the old ‘commitment phobia’ explanation doesn’t fully explain the dilemma in which dating couples find themselves. One reason for this is the confusion between ‘public displays of affection’ and ‘public displays of commitment’. We’re ...

By |2023-01-31T19:20:04+10:00February 1st, 2023|LOVE & MARRIAGE|0 Comments
  • marriage matters

Why Your Marriage Matters

Have you ever stopped to think about the importance of your marriage? Marriage is hard; is it worth it? In this post, Guy looks at why your marriage matters and gives you some thoughts you would be wise to ponder... When I got married at 22 years old, I had the wrong idea about marriage. I don’t think it was an unusual idea. Deep down, I thought that marriage would make ...

By |2021-10-13T17:55:05+10:00October 13th, 2021|LOVE & MARRIAGE, FAMILIES|0 Comments
  • marriage - soul mate

Is Marriage Outdated? Five Myths That May Surprise You

Marriage gets a pretty bad rap these days. Celebrity bust-ups, high profile infidelity and a cohabitation takeover seem destined to put marriage into retirement. If it’s not already dead, it’s fast heading for extinction. Or so you might think. The truth is, despite these grim media representations, marriage is still rather popular. Weddings are at an all-time high and divorce has been in a steady decline (albeit slow) from its high of ...

By |2021-10-12T15:30:42+10:00October 12th, 2021|LOVE & MARRIAGE, SEXUAL INTEGRITY|0 Comments

The Grief of Fatherhood

When my beautiful and only daughter got married, I was reminded of the words of Enid Bagnold, “A father is always making his baby into a little woman, and when she is a woman he turns her back again.” At the time of my daughter’s marriage, I was sharing with a friend, another father who has two married daughters, my sadness and my joy about my baby’s impending marriage. His words ...

By |2021-05-14T13:18:57+10:00August 8th, 2020|Dads, LOVE & MARRIAGE|1 Comment
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