Disciplining a One-Year-Old?
It happened so quickly, I barely noticed the change. But all of a sudden, our little bundle of joy needs to be disciplined. Every moment of the day, she is finding ways to test boundaries and assert her independence.
It happened so quickly, I barely noticed the change. But all of a sudden, our little bundle of joy needs to be disciplined. Every moment of the day, she is finding ways to test boundaries and assert her independence.
Does integrity matter? Sacrifice? Hard work? Compassion for others? Giving? They will emulate what they see and learn from our actions. Going the extra mile for your kids can be wrapped up in one statement: You are second. Live by that.
John Eldredge is the most credible voice for men in the world today. He has written 26 books, but his 2001 breakthrough book, "Wild at Heart – Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul" is still the bestselling book on manhood written in the last three decades.
Inherent to the New Year resolution is the idea of becoming a better person. No sane person aspires to drink more or learn how to smoke as a New Year goal. Yet, so many of us fail to create the permanent change in ourselves that we seek. Why is that?
After two decades of caring for other people’s children, Emma believes she can sum up the problem with modern parents with one simple test: Pour your child’s milk into a pink sippy cup. If they declare, ‘But I wanted the blue one!’, what do you do?
Sometimes, single people ask us for suggestions on how to find a suitable marriage partner. Here’s a thought we often ask them to consider.
It is possible to break the cycle, whether it’s a low-level habit or a full-blown addiction. We can be set free from this. It is even possible to live a life of purity.
Secret Men’s Business will help you confront the issues of pornography and lust that are the proverbial elephants in the room for us modern men.
I am troubled by an epic first-world problem that a friend has just shared. The plane she was in had been stalled on the runway. While the plane was parked, the steamy, restricted space of a cramped cabin gradually created an uncomfortable balminess. Overhead were three air vents, no doubt installed to puff a cool breeziness onto each of the three seats below. My friend, seated on the aisle, reached up ...
“No man is useless while he has a friend,” are the wise words of Robert Louis Stevenson. The poet John Donne said it this way, “No man is an island.” The bottom line is MEN -- we need each other. Better still, we need friends for both the short term and long term. More importantly, we need to choose them wisely. Brad Stulberg is an author and high-level performance coach at ...