
  • tango

It Takes One to Tango

Many people believe that a good relationship requires equal effort from both husband and wife. And so, if your spouse is unwilling to change or invest more in the marriage then the relationship is doomed to lack-lustre intimacy or even steady deterioration. This is not necessarily the case, however. It only takes one person to tango! While it is certainly ideal to have both spouses fully invested and contributing to the ...

By |2021-10-22T22:41:53+10:00October 23rd, 2021|LOVE & MARRIAGE|0 Comments
  • marriage - soul mate

Is Marriage Outdated? Five Myths That May Surprise You

Marriage gets a pretty bad rap these days. Celebrity bust-ups, high profile infidelity and a cohabitation takeover seem destined to put marriage into retirement. If it’s not already dead, it’s fast heading for extinction. Or so you might think. The truth is, despite these grim media representations, marriage is still rather popular. Weddings are at an all-time high and divorce has been in a steady decline (albeit slow) from its high of ...

By |2021-10-12T15:30:42+10:00October 12th, 2021|LOVE & MARRIAGE, SEXUAL INTEGRITY|0 Comments
  • respect

Respect & Cherishment: How Men & Women Receive Love

What’s the Difference Between Respect and Cherishment? While everyone experiences love uniquely, some clear gender patterns have emerged through relationship research. In one study, when given the option between the negative choices of being ‘alone and unloved in all the world’ or ‘inadequate and disrespected by everyone’, 74% of men preferred being alone and unloved, compared to only a minority of women.* Further enquiry suggests that this gender pattern is relevant ...

By |2021-10-09T05:35:35+10:00October 9th, 2021|LOVE & MARRIAGE|0 Comments
  • Main Image: Staying in Love

You Have to Fight to Stay in Love

In the midst of the lockdown, we cannot go to the gym, so my wife and I walk every morning to keep fit. We both enjoy each other’s presence, so we hold hands when we walk. Fight to Stay in Love One morning recently a woman who walked past us regularly said, “You are my role models for love.” I felt like saying, “Yes, but you have to fight to stay ...

By |2021-09-11T14:54:41+10:00September 11th, 2021|LOVE & MARRIAGE, Dads, FAMILIES|0 Comments
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