Together Again… For Stronger and Better
Contrary to popular belief, separation does not always end in divorce. Well supported, the process of separation can help a couple address their problems, reconcile and be together again stronger and better.
Contrary to popular belief, separation does not always end in divorce. Well supported, the process of separation can help a couple address their problems, reconcile and be together again stronger and better.
Fatherlessness is a growing problem all over the Western world. We urgently need to address the twin problems of fatherlessness and family breakdown. Until we tackle these problems, our children and our societies will continue to suffer.
My together time with my daughters makes three people. When we are together, each of us brings our own measure of joy, mellowness, sanity, sorrow, silliness, delight, curiosity, affection, wonder and all the other hurdy-gurdy of emotions. Even though I try to have my dad radar tuned in to the emotions of two daughters, sometimes it can be a tough read. Tuning in and applying the right combination of daddy empathy ...
A number of years ago, I spent five round-the-world trips on a lawyer to represent my case to be a present dad in my children’s growing up. I could sensibly calculate that separation would force the divvying up of my children’s time between parents, but I was determined to protect as much of it as I could, because I believe my children and I need time to maintain our strong, wholehearted ...
Ironically, my marriage ended as it should have begun. After lodging divorce papers the other day, I ambled out of the court offices into Salamanca Place. I deliberately slowed my pace to the steady step of a bridal march in order to soak in the soft morning sun. The sun’s glow wrapped an embrace of blanketing cheer that warmed my sombre mood. Fifteen years earlier, wedding day rain was a disappointing ...