
  • good to better

Going From Good To Better

Marital health is about more than minimising conflict. If we want to go from ‘good’ to ‘better’ we need to capitalise on the positives. Most marriage counselling and education focuses on conflict and incompatibility. It seeks to help couples find constructive ways of dealing with challenges in the relationship. It’s a ‘damage control’ approach that seeks to minimise the impact of negative experiences. Conflict management and relationship repair are important skills for every ...

By |2024-12-17T13:19:46+10:00December 31st, 2024|LOVE & MARRIAGE|0 Comments
  • TV

Why Reality TV Makes Us Stupider

These days, we rightly talk a lot about exploitation and abuse. It comes in many forms, and we worry we might walk past it without noticing. Recently 665,000 Australians not only walked past, but sat and watched something that we should recognise for what it really is – workplace exploitation abuse. The airing of ‘reality’ TV show Beauty and the Geek pairs beautiful, intellectually-challenged and relationally-hurt women with bright, socially-awkward, ‘virginal’ ...

By |2023-08-11T10:18:54+10:00August 9th, 2023|LOVE & MARRIAGE|0 Comments
  • night off

A Night Off

I’ve found a solution to my perceived marital problems: it’s easy, you can do this too. Have a night away with the man of your dreams (this is not a reference to Ryan Gosling). I’m talking about your husband – remember when you used to dream about him? It was right before you started washing his socks and reminding him where the laundry basket lives. One night away with my husband ...

By |2023-08-02T08:29:30+10:00July 17th, 2023|MOTHERS|0 Comments
  • movies

How Ryan Gosling is Going to Save Your Marriage

It’s true! And now there’s a study that proves it. Finally, I have the ammunition I need to convince hubby that our next date night movie should be a rom-com, rather than an action flick. Researchers who conducted a study involving 174 couples found that those who discussed five movies about relationships over a month cut the three-year divorce rate for newlyweds in half. Superior Choice Okay, so the research is ...

By |2023-06-23T19:58:45+10:00June 26th, 2023|MOTHERS, HUMOUR, LOVE & MARRIAGE|0 Comments
  • romantic couple

That Romantic Atmosphere

On Friday afternoon, we went on a bushwalk with Byron’s work colleagues. Although we were with other people, we so enjoyed the time together. Walking is remarkably therapeutic for us… perhaps it’s the natural environment, or maybe it’s simply the absence of the constant phone, email and text distraction. Whatever it is, is not the point. It just feels strangely normal and earthy. Like we are stepping for a few hours ...

By |2023-03-09T08:59:51+10:00March 8th, 2023|LOVE & MARRIAGE, FAITH|0 Comments
  • investment

Investment in Marriage

Anything worth having is never free. As Francine and I raced around on a typical Saturday afternoon, we found ourselves at the local shopping village together. Never one to waste the opportunity to gain a ‘good husband’ brownie point, I declared we should have a ‘coffee date’. Naturally, Francine obliged -- she practically never says no to a ‘date’, no matter how pathetic. (Have I ever mentioned my “do you want ...

By |2023-02-21T21:50:33+10:00February 22nd, 2023|LOVE & MARRIAGE, Babies|0 Comments
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