
  • Get Married

Get Married: A Book By Brad Wilcox

By Brad Wilcox Drawing on the latest in social science as well as ancient wisdom, University of Virginia sociologist Brad Wilcox is dedicated to understanding and strengthening our most important institutions: marriage and family. What's the recipe for happiness? If you listen to liberal elites or red pill influencers, you'd say it's making money, living for yourself, and staying single without kids—and you'd be wrong. Nothing predicts happiness better than a ...

  • TV

Why Reality TV Makes Us Stupider

These days, we rightly talk a lot about exploitation and abuse. It comes in many forms, and we worry we might walk past it without noticing. Recently 665,000 Australians not only walked past, but sat and watched something that we should recognise for what it really is – workplace exploitation abuse. The airing of ‘reality’ TV show Beauty and the Geek pairs beautiful, intellectually-challenged and relationally-hurt women with bright, socially-awkward, ‘virginal’ ...

By |2023-08-11T10:18:54+10:00August 9th, 2023|LOVE & MARRIAGE|0 Comments
  • Helping Hands

Helping Hands

In the sensationalised world of free-to-air television, mostly contrived at best or outright garbage at worst, Helping Hands is an absolute breath of fresh air. Richard and the team at Australian TV & Media Group work hard to deliver a weekly show celebrating the people who make the world a better place. Dads4Kids is honoured to be part of the Helping Hands program. Watch a fascinating panel discussion from Episode 16 ...

By |2023-07-21T22:57:32+10:00July 21st, 2023|Dads, FAMILIES|0 Comments
  • I survived COVID

I Survived COVID

I survived COVID, and so will 99.98% of Australians. These are my predictions based on the Australian COVID death rates for the last two years and current projections. Believe me, Australia’s 0.02% death rate is better than most of the world. We have a lot to thank God for. We have prayed extensively for God's intervention in Australia’s Covid pandemic, and He has answered by sending a relatively milder form of ...

By |2022-02-19T18:14:47+10:00February 19th, 2022|MENS HEALTH|0 Comments
  • child watching tv

How Your Child Views the News

If you’re struggling to cope with the graphic details and images you’re exposed to in the media (cyclones, acts of terrorism and violence), imagine what must be going through the minds of your children. Children contend with these images according to their age and development. Little ones will often mix what is real with make-believe, so they aren’t really aware of the “disaster”, but they can see that people are upset ...

By |2022-02-08T09:15:57+10:00February 8th, 2022|Children, FAMILIES, MOTHERS|0 Comments
  • chores

Men & Chores: Why We Do Them

Research shows that religious men tend to do more chores than non-religious, progressive men. What is the reason behind this? And what other reasons might men have to delve into the thick of housework? While housework is not the most glamorous of duties, research from the University of Utah suggests that some men are holding their own, both in the kitchen and outside it. Surprising Observations In January 2021, Utah-based Deseret ...

By |2022-01-07T17:52:39+10:00January 7th, 2022|NEW DADS, Dads, FAITH, FAMILIES, LOVE & MARRIAGE, MANHOOD, MENS HEALTH|0 Comments
  • TV dads

The all-star TV dads who slam the sloppy stereotypes

Not all TV dads are the same. Take examples like Tim Allen’s sharp-witted Mike Baxter, and contrast him with Matt Groening’s, feckless Homer Simpson. Forget for a moment that we’re talking about cartoon vs. human. In any greatest-dad-of-all-time celebrity boxing match, we know Baxter would win. The outdoor man vs. the “Duff” guzzling, obese, inattentive, drooling, lounge lizard. A father with strength, humility, and a no-nonsense embrace of free speech, up ...

By |2021-07-31T15:49:08+10:00July 31st, 2021|NEW DADS, Dads, FAMILIES, GOOD BOOKS & VIDEOS|0 Comments
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