
  • purposeful parenting

Purposeful Parenting – 8 Keys to Give Your Children the Best Start in Life (Part 2)

Jason Smith and his wife Paulina, in their Purposeful Parenting scheme, have designed various rites of passage for their teen children centering on fun, responsibility and service as they mature into adulthood. Read on to glean some ideas about how to shape your teen's destiny with such memorable moments.

  • Mary Poppins

7 Lessons for Fathers from Mary Poppins

I know. “Mary Poppins.” I haven’t blown a gasket. Just hear me out. Without drilling too much into childhood nostalgia, or the feminist overtones, the original film has a great deal of good in it for dads. With the help of actor David Tomilson (1917-2000), the P.L. Travers/Disney film was more about fatherhood, than a ‘magical nanny.’ George Banks (Tomilson) ‘was the Poppins’ protagonist,’ explained Nathan Morley in his Tomilson biography, ...

By |2023-08-03T17:01:42+10:00August 3rd, 2023|NEW DADS|0 Comments
  • apathy

Enthusiasm the Great Cure for Apathy

“We may have found a cure for most evils; but we have found no remedy for the worst of them all, the apathy of human beings.” Fighting Against Apathy The above quote is from Helen Keller, making it all the more pertinent. Helen Keller was both deaf and blind but somehow broke through her massive impediments in communication. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor ...

By |2023-05-26T15:27:19+10:00May 26th, 2023|Dads, MANHOOD|0 Comments
  • men

New Book Offers Hope for Men in a Post-Feminist World

A new book from Richard V. Reeves is winning widespread applause for offering hope to men in a post-feminist world. Released in September, ‘Of Boys and Men: Why the modern male is struggling, why it matters, and what to do about it, the father, author, and British-American expat argues for a fundamental shift in the societal attitude towards masculinity. The Guardian highlighted two of Reeves’ major points, first congratulating the author ...

By |2022-11-24T13:21:29+10:00December 1st, 2022|NEW DADS, Dads, FAMILIES, GOOD BOOKS & VIDEOS, MANHOOD, MENS HEALTH|4 Comments
  • authentic manhood

Authentic Fatherhood Breeds Authentic Men

Fatherhood is to a son’s manhood, as manhood is to a dad’s fatherhood. They’re inseparable elements in the way fathers raise their sons to be men, because they reflect each other. A few points in a recent piece from All Pro Dad’s BJ Foster hit a six on the subject. Role Models Foster offered four ways to father their sons into manhood, introducing his argument with a simple: ‘Sons need their ...

By |2022-11-22T14:20:24+10:00November 24th, 2022|NEW DADS, Dads, FAMILIES, MANHOOD|0 Comments
  • rock - I choose you

Being the Rock

While much in the way of traditional gender roles has shifted in modern times, most women I know still want a man who can be the rock in the relationship. But just what does being the rock entail? I asked this question in the Community, and this is what a few of the men had to say: Jamie said: “To me, that means being mature, guided by reason and my family’s best ...

By |2022-09-16T12:14:38+10:00September 16th, 2022|LOVE & MARRIAGE, MANHOOD|1 Comment
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