Catch Them Being Good
Encouraging your kids about good behaviour is one of the most effective ways to train, or disciple, your children.
Encouraging your kids about good behaviour is one of the most effective ways to train, or disciple, your children.
Modelling gratitude to your children helps them form the habit of being thankful and displaying appreciation to those around them. I am sure you have all witnessed your own child or someone else’s at Christmas, receiving so many gifts that they are not even excited or thankful by the end of the paper-ripping and gift-opening frenzy! Babies are not born grateful and toddlers are fully self-obsessed, so the art of gratefulness ...
Be prepared for the absolute mess which your children can make while growing up. At the same time, they will fill your home with joy. Kids. They are amazing creatures whom you love to the moon and back, but they can frustrate the heck out of you. And none of this frustration is EVER put as a warning in the parenting books. What To Expect When You’re Expecting and Knocked Up ...
Forget Finding Nemo and Three Men and a Baby. Here are fifteen family-friendly films about dads that dads will actually enjoy watching! 15. Swing Vote (2008) Kevin Costner plays the uninterested, apolitical Bud Johnson. Thanks to the wiles of his daughter, Johnson ends up becoming an election-decider after she votes on his behalf without him knowing. 14. Houseboat & Father Goose This 1958 Cary Grant and Loren classic sees Grant take ...
“Easy Eddie” was the corrupt lawyer to Al Capone. In contrast, Butch O’Hare was a heroic Second World War fighter pilot. What did these two men have in common? What can we learn from their stories? Story Number One In the 1920s, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. He was notorious for corrupting the windy city with everything from bootlegging (illegal liquor) to prostitution to murder. Capone had a lawyer nicknamed ‘Easy Eddie’. ...
Emily Holleman a writer for The Cut, - part of New York Magazine’s ‘One Great Story’ section - recently condemned bearing children in the age of the “apocalypse,” selfish. As a committed father of five, I was intensely interested in what she had to say. Holleman’s reflection on anxiety and personal loss in a time of uncertainty is the better part of what becomes an environmentalist “sermon”. An autobiographical piece, the ...
Schooling from home may look like homeschooling, but the similarities are only superficial. At a fundamental level, the two are drastically different. Criticising current trends can be like walking into a minefield without a map. One size doesn’t fit all. Despite the assertions of blanket “equality” and blurred distinctions, some distinctions do matter. Everyone is of equal value, but not everyone, nor everything is equal. For instance, beliefs may align with facts, ...
Orlando Battista said, “The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day.” Orlando Battista is right. Our children don’t want things, they want us. The team at our friends at the Fathering Centre in Kansas City USA had this to say in an article titled, “Kids Say THIS Is the Best Way to Be a Better Dad”. “As is often the case, ...
Fatherhood is an adventure like no other, but most men are not ready when they jump and are left trying to catch up right from the start. But fatherhood can be done well. In this podcast, 4 men with 29 kids share some secrets on how. Fatherhood. It is a word that means so many things. Joy to some, pain to others and everything in-between. For those of us who are ...
In the midst of the lockdown, we cannot go to the gym, so my wife and I walk every morning to keep fit. We both enjoy each other’s presence, so we hold hands when we walk. Fight to Stay in Love One morning recently a woman who walked past us regularly said, “You are my role models for love.” I felt like saying, “Yes, but you have to fight to stay ...