
Classics of the Fatherhood Movement — “Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers”

Stephen Baskerville’s "Taken into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, and the Family" presents a scathing critique of the American divorce and family court system, arguing that it systematically undermines the traditional family structure, particularly by marginalising fathers.

  • peace

Fighting for Peace

What can one do to fight for peace? Get out in the street, march with your feet. What can you do if you oppose war? Lay down your weapon and fight no more. And if your politician is filled with hate, vote for the other candidate. For we really do have a choice if we speak out and raise our voice The sword will fall before the pen if we stand ...

By |2023-06-23T07:01:56+10:00June 18th, 2023|FAIRNESS & JUSTICE|0 Comments
  • parental alienation

Parental Alienation is Child Abuse

Parental alienation is a systemic plague infecting the family court system. Inoculating the courts against this would clear the emotional quagmire brought on by The Court of Emotion’s atrocious toxic waiting queue in a matter of months. Not only this, the disproportionately high suicide rate among men, as well as domestic violence numbers, would likely nosedive across the board. Defusing the manipulative device, instead of downplaying its effects, can go a ...

By |2023-01-04T21:22:32+10:00January 3rd, 2023|SINGLE DADS, FAIRNESS & JUSTICE|6 Comments
  • blood is thicker - custody

Blood is Thicker Than Water

The family law system is unfairly stacked against separated fathers who simply want joint custody of their children. "Custody -- Blood is Thicker Than Water" is an inspiring true story of a loving father who fought the system so that he could be a dad to his son. As Dads, we are all our brother’s keepers. In this case, Single Dads are our brothers. We must all do our best to ...

  • divorce

The Innocent Victims of ‘No-Fault’ Divorce

The “no-fault” divorce revolution that spread across the Western world was led in the 1970s by members of the cultural, academic, legal and political elites, in particular by radical feminists who made the case for easy divorce as a means of women’s liberation. By declaring marriage to be an oppressive institution, they demanded “no fault” as a means of allowing wives to escape marriage and achieve a “right of exit”. Although ...

By |2022-08-26T11:01:48+10:00August 26th, 2022|SINGLE DADS, FAIRNESS & JUSTICE|0 Comments
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