Mary, Baby Jesus, and That Other Guy
Joseph should get more than a nod at Christmas, because even for Jesus, fathers are not an accessory; they are a necessity.
Joseph should get more than a nod at Christmas, because even for Jesus, fathers are not an accessory; they are a necessity.
Considering Christmas is only three sleeps away (yikes!), I’d like to share “The Greatest Gift”, a beautiful song featuring Andrea Bocelli.
I attended the Dads4Kids Men’s Leadership Summit last weekend (9-11 August 2024) and had the privilege of giving the Father’s Blessing to all who were there. As requested, here is a copy of the blessing.
"‘Why Can't We Hate Men?’ asks a headline in 'The Washington Post'. A trendy hashtag is #KillAllMen. Books are sold titled ‘I Hate Men’, ‘No Good Men’, and ‘Are Men Necessary’? How did an ideology arise that condemns masculinity as dangerous and destructive?”
At Dads4Kids, we’re all about inspiring fathers, but easily, the best way to be inspired is by following Jesus and making him the Lord (King) of your life. After all, how can we expect to be the best fathers we can be if we don’t know the ultimate father, our Father in heaven?
Real manhood is not to be found in the Red Pill, nor is the manosphere’s response to the cancer of feminism the right one. Real manhood is to be found in taking up your cross and following Christ, even if it means following Him to death.
Every engaged couple needs to discern their own path. Downsize, divide, delay, or go deluxe – whatever path they decide in this era of uncertainty, the vows they make on their wedding day will be one thing that stays the same.
Many Australians have no idea that the history of Carols by Candlelight in Australia can be traced back to the influence of Cornish miners and their passion to love Christ through song.
Contempt has been identified as a corrosive relationship pattern among couples headed for bust. An expression of despisal, contempt is the toxic cousin to criticism.
Waiting teaches us humility and patience – essential virtues for healthy relationships. It opens a space for reflecting, allowing us to stop ‘doing’ and to simply be aware… of ourselves, our world, the person before us.