
  • parenting while sick

Parenting While Sick

Parenting toddlers is challenging at the best of times. When you are sick (not to mention when your spouse and child are sick along with you!), the challenge is multiplied by several magnitudes. But your children still need to be fed, cleaned and occupied. How do you handle this?

By |2024-11-11T16:46:31+10:00October 14th, 2024|Babies, Children, FAMILIES, MOTHERS|0 Comments
  • children

Who is Leading Whom?

Recently, we met some friends at a local area at Mermaid Beach called “The Marketta”. I had never been there before; Kylie had been a few times. We won’t take that any further… Anyway, it’s a fun place in an old industrial area, that has been outfitted with slightly alternative-style clothing and craft shops, and stalls with food from various countries and cultures around the world. Personally, I love culture and ...

By |2023-08-07T11:10:27+10:00August 7th, 2023|MOTHERS, Children|0 Comments
  • fear

A Single Dad’s Greatest Fear

Apparently, fear is a great motivator. To change a behaviour, people will try to move away from or avoid a fear. People will also change their behaviour when motivated by moving toward an incentive; however, it is fear that is running with me. I have ticked off some crazy mountain climbs that dulled my fear of scaling peaks. I overcame the dreaded apprehension of separation. Through school and beyond I gradually ...

By |2022-07-22T21:11:41+10:00July 22nd, 2022|SINGLE DADS, Children, Dads|0 Comments
  • burnout unhappy

Are You About to Burn Out?

How close are you to burning out? Could you recognise the signs? What will the consequences be if you did burn out? In episode 44 of Real Talk 4 Real Men, Guy and Chris unpack how you can guard against burnout. As I sat on the last train of the night home from another exhausting and stressful day at the office, my brain continued to race as I reflected on the ...

  • life reset

Life Reset: Getting On With Life After It’s Fallen Apart

When you are faced with the failure of much of what you believed about life and yourself, where do you turn? Can you reset your life? How do you begin? What do you do when the way you were committed to living has not worked out, and you come to a point of realising it never will? When your life has suddenly changed -- perhaps a midlife crisis, career change, health ...

By |2021-08-09T18:14:33+10:00August 9th, 2021|PODCASTS, GOOD BOOKS & VIDEOS|0 Comments
  • Jane Marczewski - thankful

Voice of Thanks – Simon Cowell Moved to Tears on America’s Got Talent

Gratitude now has a voice. We as fathers need to be encouraged to be thankful, so we can encourage our children to be the same. Thankful people are happy people. Thankful families are happy families. I even try to teach this to myself, but some things are better caught than taught! When my friend Mark Powell sent me the video below, I nearly leapt out of my skin with excitement. Mark ...

By |2021-06-19T19:33:13+10:00June 19th, 2021|FAITH, Dads, FAMILIES, NEWS, RESEARCH & SCIENCE|2 Comments

Dads Living Longer

This week Dads4Kids launches its annual end-of-financial-year Help the Children Appeal. One great reason to give to the Help the Children Appeal is because Dads4Kids is helping dads live longer than in years gone by. Last year, on 1 November 2019, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released an important news item. The ABS reported: “Life expectancy at birth is greater for Australian females than males, however male life expectancy is ...

By |2021-05-05T14:54:52+10:00June 7th, 2020|Children, Dads|0 Comments

10 Keys to Build Your Immune System Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic really hit home to me when a close friend of mine here in Australia lost his friend and business partner to the virus earlier this week. The father of two left behind two young children and his wife. Thankfully, neither his wife or two children were infected with the virus, nor his two employees. This beautiful family lived in a south-east Asian country only a short distance from ...

By |2021-06-29T11:20:08+10:00March 29th, 2020|Dads, FAMILIES, MENS HEALTH|1 Comment
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