Personal Tribute to My Grandfather (Poppy): An Amazing Family Man
Poppy prevailed and received custody, becoming the first man in Australia to win custody, and therefore, setting the precedent for the future of men’s rights in Australia.
Poppy prevailed and received custody, becoming the first man in Australia to win custody, and therefore, setting the precedent for the future of men’s rights in Australia.
In the coming weeks and months, we as mothers, fathers, children, grandparents and families await the Government’s answers to the proposed reforms within Family Law and within the Child Support Scheme. We have been waiting patiently, even though we have been experiencing the very same thing this grandmother (below) so graciously describes. We as responsible fathers have been supporting our children, and yet are denied the right to have a relationship ...
That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done, So, there is nothing new under the sun. This observation was written in about 935 BC. It is as true today as it was then. Its modern equivalent is the saying, “History always repeats itself.” Last week’s article revealed the similarities in the responses to the introduction of two parliamentary ...
Mahatma Gandhi once said that when facing adversaries, they first ignore you, then they fight you and then you win. Those people who despair at the apparent lack of progress in the fight for social justice for separated families need to take heart from Gandhi's observation. We have successfully accomplished the first stage of the battle: they’re ignoring us. If you doubt this success, then read the report by the parliamentary ...