drug addiction

  • zero male suicide

Zero Male Suicide

Over the last 20 years, I have seen a lot of people come into the men’s movement with big promises and even bigger egos. Mostly they blow in, blow up and then blow out. Sadly, they often hurt other men in the process. I don’t believe Paul Withall from Zero Suicide is one of those men. Tony Miller, the founder of Dads in Distress, feels like I do. We both believe ...

By |2022-11-21T16:55:17+10:00November 19th, 2022|MENS HEALTH, Dads|0 Comments
  • Helping Men and Boys

International Men’s Day – Helping Men and Boys

Launched in 1999, and now celebrated in more than 90 countries worldwide, International Men’s Day is going from strength to strength. International Men’s Day celebrates positive male role models and the loving strength that men bring to their families and communities. We highlight the need to address the male suicide crisis and we often campaign for improvement in men’s health. One of the six pillars of International Men’s Day is: “To focus on ...

By |2022-11-11T15:52:32+10:00November 11th, 2022|Dads, Children, FAMILIES, MENS HEALTH|0 Comments
  • bag of love

Happy Father’s Day with a Bag of Love

This Father's Day, may fathers everywhere receive a big bundle of love from their children. May healing and reconciliation take place where required, and may fathers step up to their calling as loving dads and role models for their offspring. The team at Dads4Kids wishes all Dads, all over Australia, a happy Father’s Day. It is always a busy time for us with the release of our new Father’s Day TV ...

By |2022-09-19T17:35:54+10:00September 3rd, 2022|Dads, FAITH, FAMILIES|2 Comments
  • Christmas Eve

One Christmas Eve

One lonely Christmas Eve, a friendly voice saves a single dad from dark thoughts, and he lives another day for his children. All Alone The hook in the ceiling should do the job, I decide, but will it hold my weight? Its only use is to carry pot plants. It looks pretty strong to me, or maybe I would be better off throwing down a heap of those pills I have. ...

By |2022-02-18T18:43:35+10:00February 18th, 2022|SINGLE DADS, FAITH|0 Comments

“Best Daddy”

“Have you seen Best Daddy, Warwick?” This was the short cryptic text I received from my friend Hayden Gillie from Warrnambool. Hayden is the sort of guy who doesn’t say much about something, unless it is really good. I was not disappointed when I watched the Best Daddy music video featuring Cody & the Qualls family. I cried with joy, not only because Cody Qualls is a great songwriter and dazzling ...

By |2021-06-29T11:21:54+10:00June 20th, 2020|Dads, FAMILIES, GOOD BOOKS & VIDEOS, VIDEOS|1 Comment

Loud Krazy Love

I remember when my teenage sons first played Korn’s music for me. I found it really disturbing. It just wasn’t my kind of music. I had grown up playing blues, rock and reggae on my guitar. I found the music very dark. The discordant riffs were off-putting as were Jonathan Davis growling, sometimes screaming, lyrics. The New York Times said in 1996 that the band was “mad at everyone including themselves”. ...

By |2021-05-14T13:26:51+10:00June 8th, 2019|Dads, FAITH, FAMILIES, SEXUAL INTEGRITY|2 Comments
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