
  • zero male suicide

Zero Male Suicide

Over the last 20 years, I have seen a lot of people come into the men’s movement with big promises and even bigger egos. Mostly they blow in, blow up and then blow out. Sadly, they often hurt other men in the process. I don’t believe Paul Withall from Zero Suicide is one of those men. Tony Miller, the founder of Dads in Distress, feels like I do. We both believe ...

By |2022-11-21T16:55:17+10:00November 19th, 2022|MENS HEALTH, Dads|0 Comments
  • Helping Men and Boys

International Men’s Day – Helping Men and Boys

Launched in 1999, and now celebrated in more than 90 countries worldwide, International Men’s Day is going from strength to strength. International Men’s Day celebrates positive male role models and the loving strength that men bring to their families and communities. We highlight the need to address the male suicide crisis and we often campaign for improvement in men’s health. One of the six pillars of International Men’s Day is: “To focus on ...

By |2022-11-11T15:52:32+10:00November 11th, 2022|Dads, Children, FAMILIES, MENS HEALTH|0 Comments
  • youth suicide awareness

3 Dads Walking to Raise Teen Suicide Awareness

Three grieving dads in the United Kingdom are walking around the country attempting to raise awareness about teen suicide. Mike, Andy, and Tim lost their daughters, Beth, Sophie, and Emily, to the UK suicide epidemic. They chose fundraiser walking as a way of challenging the culture and honouring their daughters’ memory. So far, the suicide-bereaved fellowship of three have raised over £880,000, with the hope of reaching £1,000,000. A number far ...

By |2022-11-11T07:12:28+10:00November 11th, 2022|NEW DADS, Children, Dads|0 Comments
  • writing letter

The Surefire Way to Connect With Your Kids

This is a must-do for every dad. If this isn’t at the top of your list, once you have done it, it soon will be. Keep reading to find out. If you want to connect with your kids, I can think of no better way than to … write them a letter. I did this last weekend when I was at a dads' training conference, and my kids received their letters ...

By |2022-01-20T07:24:02+10:00January 19th, 2022|Dads, Children, FAMILIES|0 Comments
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