
  • best

The Best Things About Being a Single Dad

A few weeks ago, on an impulse and wanting to share a snapshot of my post-separation status, I wrote a part-whimsical, part-serious piece about the worst parts of being a single dad. By implication, if some parts are worst, then there must be some best bits, says my cerebral dialogue. Voice Number One says the best bit is simply being a dad. Voice Number One ignores the “single” tag and just ...

By |2023-02-21T21:41:46+10:00February 21st, 2023|SINGLE DADS|1 Comment
  • Why Do Things Hurt?

Why Do Things Hurt?

A new children's book examines the mystery of suffering and pain. Exquisitely illustrated, it is an excellent tool for parents to discuss this big question with their children, mentally preparing them for the travails of life. “Life is hard, but we make it harder,” said Ryan Holiday. True words. If we refuse to accept that truth, we make it harder for ourselves and our children. Especially if we don’t tell them ...

By |2023-01-13T05:53:55+10:00January 13th, 2023|Dads, Children, FAITH, FAMILIES, GOOD BOOKS & VIDEOS|0 Comments
  • teenagers YOLO

Understanding the YOLO Generation

To guide your children through the throes of their teen years, help them form genuine relationships and find their purpose. Having a goal directs their energies in a productive and life-giving direction, instead of frittering their youth away with a YOLO attitude. This generation of teenagers is worrying parents like never before, throwing their talent out the door and accepting minimal wages to focus on a life of partying and binge ...

By |2022-01-05T21:49:36+10:00January 6th, 2022|MOTHERS, Children, Dads, FAMILIES|0 Comments
  • tough love

When Tough Love Means Being Tough on Yourself

Some days, being a mother is just plain hard. Today was one of those days. I promised to take my boys to play mini golf. Secretly, I was looking forward to it more than they were! I’d been wanting to try out this place for months and finally the day had arrived but… My youngest was in a bad mood all morning; he threw a tantrum because there wasn’t enough honey ...

By |2021-07-14T13:42:40+10:00July 15th, 2021|MOTHERS, Children, FAMILIES|0 Comments

Disciplining Your Children — A Dad’s Cry for Help

Some time ago, I was busy minding my own business in my office, when I heard my wife talking in the next office to a stranger. I opened my door to shake hands with Bill, who was inspecting our fire services in our office on behalf of the landlord. Bill, realising he was in the offices of Dads4Kids, started to ply me with questions about parenting. He asked, “How should I ...

By |2021-05-05T04:14:26+10:00February 14th, 2021|Children|0 Comments

Strong Hand of Love

This week was an important week for one of my granddaughters. It was her seventh birthday. Her mum took her, and her sisters, horse-riding for a very exciting and fun-filled day. We got invited to the after-party, and it was of course gallons of fun. This granddaughter has 4 sisters, three older and one younger, so birthday parties are very social occasions and greatly valued. When we arrived at the after-party, ...

By |2021-05-05T14:54:51+10:00July 26th, 2020|Children, FAMILIES|1 Comment

Grace-Based Parenting For Dads

The single hardest thing for any Dad is trying to get the balance right between love and discipline for his children. I often use the expression ‘grace and truth’. Grace is really another name for love. The challenge becomes more difficult the more children you have, and I think especially the more boys you have. Boys seem to find your limit and then take you past it. Boys, for wont of ...

By |2019-09-22T21:09:26+10:00September 22nd, 2019|Children, Dads, FAITH, FAMILIES|0 Comments
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