
  • expectations / criticism

Incompatible Expectations

I wasn’t expecting that! We’ve explored how our formation in our family of origin continues to play out throughout our marriages. There are typically three ways in which our formation can pose challenges for us and today we explore the first of these: incompatible expectations. Growing up, Francine’s father was a retail pharmacist, with her mother working full-time raising the family and volunteering in the school and parish community. It was ...

By |2023-07-01T16:12:29+10:00June 28th, 2023|LOVE & MARRIAGE|0 Comments
  • responsibility

Parenting = Responsibility + Fun

A number of years ago, I spent five round-the-world trips on a lawyer to represent my case to be a present dad in my children’s growing up. I could sensibly calculate that separation would force the divvying up of my children’s time between parents, but I was determined to protect as much of it as I could, because I believe my children and I need time to maintain our strong, wholehearted ...

By |2023-06-21T22:44:14+10:00June 20th, 2023|SINGLE DADS|0 Comments
  • romantic couple

That Romantic Atmosphere

On Friday afternoon, we went on a bushwalk with Byron’s work colleagues. Although we were with other people, we so enjoyed the time together. Walking is remarkably therapeutic for us… perhaps it’s the natural environment, or maybe it’s simply the absence of the constant phone, email and text distraction. Whatever it is, is not the point. It just feels strangely normal and earthy. Like we are stepping for a few hours ...

By |2023-03-09T08:59:51+10:00March 8th, 2023|LOVE & MARRIAGE, FAITH|0 Comments
  • partnership

Marriage is Not a Partnership

Housework: It’s often a topic of debate among couples, and truth be told, we’ve had our own dramas in this area over the years. We have very different values and expressions when it comes to housework. Byron is particular about floors and will often be found with a broom, mop or vacuum cleaner in hand. Francine is more motivated around food preparation -- she’s more likely to be at the supermarket ...

By |2023-01-04T17:08:09+10:00January 4th, 2023|LOVE & MARRIAGE, FAITH, FAMILIES|0 Comments
  • children

40 Things Dads Can Do with Their Children

“Children need your presence more than they need your presents,” are the wise words of Jesse Jackson. Both Dads and kids need a purpose to develop the art of presence. To assist you in this art, we have gathered together 40 things that Dads can do with their children. This is particularly relevant over holiday periods. Almost 80% of them don’t require any money, but they do require effort and execution. ...

By |2022-12-26T09:01:12+10:00December 23rd, 2022|Dads, Children, FAMILIES|1 Comment
  • labour

Dad Deploys Child Labour Photo to Inspire Children to Do the Household Chores

James Richards, a dad in the United Kingdom, has taken a different approach to discipline, and he’s winning props for the idea. The Kent father-of-three came up with a creative way to reach his chore-averse kids by using an example from history to teach them gratitude, as well as the difference between work and slavery. Richards, fed up with his children going AWOL from the housework, decided to act. Visual Reminder ...

By |2022-10-11T16:33:59+10:00October 11th, 2022|NEW DADS, Children, Dads, FAMILIES|0 Comments
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