
  • nurturing

A New Vision: Giving the Fathers Back to the Children

The Childcare Industry and the De-Fathering of Society Part 5 The preceding articles in this series have argued that while the Federal Government’s generosity and concern for families may be genuine, its actions are lopsided, biased against non-custodial parents, and contribute to the de-fathering of society. The crisis of fatherless children is compounded by the fact that there are few male role models working in childcare centres. And when children leave ...

By |2021-06-13T13:30:26+10:00April 7th, 2003|SINGLE DADS, FAIRNESS & JUSTICE|0 Comments
  • childcare industry

The Well-Being of Children is Being Sacrificed On the Altar of Radical Feminist Legislation

The Childcare Industry and the De-Fathering of Society Part 4 Government funding of the childcare industry was not designed to remove children from their fathers. The fact that it does so is a consequence of the cultural bias against separated fathers that exists in our culture. This bias pervades every aspect and level of society. It means that in the development of government policies, and in the Opposition parties’ response to ...

By |2021-06-13T13:23:03+10:00March 31st, 2003|SINGLE DADS, FAIRNESS & JUSTICE|0 Comments
  • childcare industry

Social Engineering through Childcare Funding: No Place for Dad

The Childcare Industry and the De-Fathering of Society Part 3 The childcare industry is experiencing phenomenal growth and providing lucrative returns for the owners of private childcare centres. This growth is fed by the provision of government funding for childcare. While the subsidies are designed to encourage mothers of young children to work, the benefits are available also to sole mothers. However the ‘assistance’ sole parents get from other government agencies ...

By |2021-06-13T13:22:38+10:00March 24th, 2003|SINGLE DADS, FAIRNESS & JUSTICE|0 Comments
  • childcare

Childcare Subsidies: Removing Children from Their Parents Creates Profit for Investors

The Childcare Industry and the De-Fathering of Society Part 2 One of the most notable features of the present Federal Government is its desire to help families. However, the impact of its policies often goes well beyond its intentions. Sometimes, at great expense, a new set of problems is created far greater than those being solved. Consider the Federal Government’s funding of childcare centres. The benefits provided have increased six-fold over ...

By |2021-06-13T13:49:48+10:00March 17th, 2003|SINGLE DADS, FAIRNESS & JUSTICE, FAMILIES, MOTHERS|0 Comments
  • childcare

Childcare: Good Intentions are Paving the Road to a Fatherless Society

The Childcare Industry and the De-Fathering of Society Part 1 Prime Minister John Howard has stated that no previous government has done as much as the present one in helping families. If the degree of help can be measured by the level of government spending on assistance programmes, then this is undeniably true. Mr Howard is clearly genuine in his concern for families and in his compassion for children. His government ...

By |2021-06-18T14:33:19+10:00March 10th, 2003|SINGLE DADS, Children, FAIRNESS & JUSTICE, FAMILIES|0 Comments
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