
  • newborn son

My Baby Son – A Father’s Day Present from Heaven

It was 12:00am on Sunday, the 1st of September -- Father’s Day, to be precise. There I was, frantically gathering clothes and bits 'n' pieces according to my wife’s somewhat disjointed instruction.  She was roaming about the house with a hot wheat sack across her rather overgrown abdomen. I couldn’t believe it. Had the moment finally arrived? After nine -- closer to ten long months, was I finally going to be ...

By |2022-08-05T16:25:35+10:00August 5th, 2022|NEW DADS, Babies, Dads, FAITH|0 Comments
  • children

Our Children are the Answer, Not the Problem to Our Environmental Challenges

Emily Holleman a writer for The Cut, - part of New York Magazine’s ‘One Great Story’ section - recently condemned bearing children in the age of the “apocalypse,” selfish. As a committed father of five, I was intensely interested in what she had to say. Holleman’s reflection on anxiety and personal loss in a time of uncertainty is the better part of what becomes an environmentalist “sermon”. An autobiographical piece, the ...

By |2021-10-12T15:52:38+10:00October 12th, 2021|NEW DADS, PREGNANCY & BIRTH|1 Comment
  • newborn baby

Baby’s First Day of Life

What on earth do I do now? That’s the thought that went through my head. I held my newborn son in my arms, I looked down into his eyes, and in him I saw someone who would be completely reliant on my wife and me for his every need, someone who I could build up or break down by my words and actions, and someone who would love me regardless of ...

By |2021-05-08T20:25:55+10:00April 5th, 2021|Babies, NEW DADS, PREGNANCY & BIRTH|2 Comments
  • new birth - baby

Pregnancy to Birth: How Not to Panic

Fatherhood; it’s the best of times, it’s the worst of times. Sorry Charles Dickens for stealing your thunder, but it’s true. Being a dad is one of the most wonderful things to ever happen to me, as well as one of the most terrifying. I’ve been a father for 11 years now, which is long enough to be able to reflect somewhat on the journey so far, and also long enough ...

By |2021-05-08T20:45:58+10:00March 29th, 2021|Dads, Babies, NEW DADS, PREGNANCY & BIRTH|0 Comments

The Dad Dilemma

The Dad Dilemma is the title of an article in The Age about the challenges of child birth. Thea O’Connor, the writer, says, “Most Australian men are present and active at the birth of their children. But not everyone believes this is a good thing.” Having been present for the births of my five children, I quickly asked my wife for her opinion. She matter-of-factly stated, “You helped make the baby, ...

By |2021-05-18T13:27:42+10:00September 28th, 2013|Dads, Babies, NEW DADS, PREGNANCY & BIRTH|0 Comments
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