Iron Sharpens Iron
This concept of men being sharpened like iron, or improving themselves, is a key component of Dads4Kids' mission to "transform the nation by inspiring fathers to help their children be the best they can be."
This concept of men being sharpened like iron, or improving themselves, is a key component of Dads4Kids' mission to "transform the nation by inspiring fathers to help their children be the best they can be."
I attended the Dads4Kids Men’s Leadership Summit last weekend (9-11 August 2024) and had the privilege of giving the Father’s Blessing to all who were there. As requested, here is a copy of the blessing.
Towards the end of July, we celebrate World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. This year (2024), the theme is loneliness and references Psalm 71:9 — “Do not cast me off in my old age”.
"‘Why Can't We Hate Men?’ asks a headline in 'The Washington Post'. A trendy hashtag is #KillAllMen. Books are sold titled ‘I Hate Men’, ‘No Good Men’, and ‘Are Men Necessary’? How did an ideology arise that condemns masculinity as dangerous and destructive?”
Due to the inaction of the Family Court in enforcing court orders and punishing contravention of court orders, they have aided the parental alienation and psychological abuse which my sons are experiencing from their mother.
What do you believe about your children? Are you speaking and acting in a way that will build and train the children that you really want?
Without spending intentional, quality time with each other, we quickly get out of sync. When we do, our patience wears thin, our tones get harsh, and bickering over small things increases. The speed at which disconnect can occur always shocks me.
A thousand words are said to be sparked by a single image. While smartphones, Insta-perfect apps, and polished pics have superseded canvas, brush strokes, oil, and acrylic, there’s still a lot of love for the latter. Millions are paid out every year just for a chance to own a framed part of history. It doesn’t take a smug, over-educated curator “specialising in the sublime” to point out the value this window ...
A new children's book examines the mystery of suffering and pain. Exquisitely illustrated, it is an excellent tool for parents to discuss this big question with their children, mentally preparing them for the travails of life. “Life is hard, but we make it harder,” said Ryan Holiday. True words. If we refuse to accept that truth, we make it harder for ourselves and our children. Especially if we don’t tell them ...
Advent is a season of anticipation. The birth of any child, not least the Messiah, gives us cause for hope. Earlier this week, we heard the testimony of Chris and Natalie Stefanick, a couple who had journeyed through dark seasons in their marriage. Having survived sexual abuse as a child, Natalie found she needed many years of therapy and healing. She recounted one of her darkest times, when she doubted that ...