The resources section of the Dads4Kids website is a forum for Dads to be able to express themselves and encourage other dads. Mothers contribute resources as well. The opinions of the various writers in this section are not necessarily the opinion of Dads4Kids. Read More
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12 Ways to Beat Covid-19
Coronavirus is sweeping across Australia. Here are some tips to boost your immune system -- and your loved ones' immunity -- so that you will be prepared if you catch it. Your body is your best friend. You live in your body, so it is important you take care of your body. The 12 Ways to Beat Covid-19 are more ...
Suicide: The Unspoken Epidemic Destroying Our Nation
Men are killing themselves in record numbers, yet we refuse to talk about it. Men achieve all that they are told will satisfy them, and yet they can not see enough joy and hope in life to keep going. It is time to speak up and stop this silent epidemic of death against men and their families. 13 months ago ...
Give Colour a Spin
Orange, yellow, red, green, blue, purple, white, brown… did you know our fruits and vegetables come in all colours of the rainbow? In fact, research shows we need to plate up as much colour as possible every day to get the maximum health benefits from fruits and vegetables. Far too few of us eat the recommended daily intake of five serves ...
10 Reasons Why Dads Should Read to Their Children
Dr. Seuss said, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” This famous children’s book author was certainly across his subject. Here are 10 good reasons why you should read to your children. Hopefully you are inspired. 1. Dads Bring Something Special to the Reading Equation. Harvard-trained ...
Dad’s Day Out
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Are You About to Burn Out?
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Men in Crisis
“Can you help me?” These were the words I first heard when I picked up the phone. “I can’t see my kids and I don’t know what to do. I feel like giving up and I am thinking about killing myself to shut off the pain.” The matter-of-fact way he said these words told me that this was no veiled ...
Help for the Fatherless Generation
Do you struggle with behaviours that you can’t change, and can’t understand where they come from? Or perhaps you still harbour guilt and shame, or blame yourself for not having a father in your life? The impacts of being fatherless at some key point in our lives can have devastating consequences that we might not even be aware of. Listen ...
Technology: A Horrible Babysitter
Rod Lampard, father of five, says in a recent article in the Daily Dad, “Technology is a tool, not a toy. It’s a horrible baby-sitter. A terrible master. Tech is no substitute for hands-on, old-school dad and mum counsel, comfort and conviction.” That sums up my feelings exactly. For many years of my younger life, we did not have a ...
Life is About Choices
Tony Robbins said, “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” We all make a life by the decisions we make. A great man I once knew said to me, “Life is a decision.” So how do you make the right decisions in life, both for yourself and for your family? The simple reality is that ...
Fight Like a Pro
My good friend Robert Day sent me a link. He said, “Check out Gavin Topps and his ‘Fight Like a Pro’ Program”. Rob is a Dads4Kids board member. He has worked with men all his life. He knows men. So, I just had to check it out for myself. Below is the challenging call to Manhood from the Gavin Topps ...
3 Ways Time-Poor Dads Can Spend More Time with Their Kids
There is a truckload of parenting advice on how to fathers can make more time for their families. This is especially the case for new fathers and fathers-to-be. Dragging ourselves through chapter after chapter of self-help drudgery, only to be told how much we’re not doing, and how much more we need to be doing, can be a soul-sucking experience. ...
Is Marriage Worth It?
We all get a bit of shock pretty early on in married life. For some, it is day 1: “This isn’t what I expected!” At some point, you will probably find yourself asking yourself the question: Is marriage worth it? Are you married? How has it been going for you lately? You wouldn’t be the first person to stop and ...
Defeating a Porn Addiction
Pornography is holding more men and women in bondage than ever before. Despite the gloom, there are victories. Luke’s story is one. Will you be the next to be free from porn addiction? There was a time when pornography seemed like it was a part of growing up and gaining liberty from stereotypical norms, or rules our parents and religion ...
Voice of Thanks – Simon Cowell Moved to Tears on America’s Got Talent
Gratitude now has a voice. We as fathers need to be encouraged to be thankful, so we can encourage our children to be the same. Thankful people are happy people. Thankful families are happy families. I even try to teach this to myself, but some things are better caught than taught! When my friend Mark Powell sent me the video ...
How to Deal with Stress – Thrive Through Change Part 3
Change is stressful, so we all need tips on how to deal with change. Real Talk 4 Real Men episode 56. Change brings on stress, and so in part 3 of Thrive Through Change, we dedicate an entire episode on how to deal with stress. We all know that when negative things are going on in our lives, it causes ...
How to Raise Happy Kids
Mahatma Gandhi said, "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." Eric Barker, it would seem, has been inspired by Gandhi’s wisdom in his science-based article called, “How to Raise Happy Kids: 10 Steps Backed by Science.” Eric Barker is the creator of the blog Barking Up the Wrong Tree, and the ...
Ten Reasons to Eat Together with Your Family
Let me give you ten irrefutable reasons why you as a father need to make sure that you get your family to turn off the TV, computer, mobile phone and eat together as a family. Of course, there will be some occasions when this is just not possible. For instance, when Australia gets into the grand final of the World ...
The Red Pill
When Dads4Kids started on 1st May 2002 we had no idea how important this ‘MayDay’ call would become. My wife and I had the naive idea that we would help and inspire fathers to be more involved with their children and turn their hearts towards home. We had no idea how important and strategic that idea was, nor did we ...
Frontline… The War on Men
There is a war on men but the greatest perpetrators are the men themselves. As Walt Kelly once said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” Our single greatest enemy is our own passivity - mine included. Daily, I make the decision as Robert Lewis says, to “reject passivity.” That is why you are getting this newsletter. The ...
The Best Start in Life
As we learned in last week’s newsletter, ‘the Joy & Terror’ of fatherhood, we can experience times as fathers when we are driven to the point of extremity and simply do not know what to do. That is when we must, as MC Hammer once said, “Pray just to make it today”. From my own experience as a father, prayer ...
Fatherhood – The Missing Part of The Educational Puzzle
We start the school year knowing that Australia’s educational standards are dropping and yet Australians, on a median basis, are the wealthiest people group in the world. Is more money spent on education the answer, or is something else the missing part of the educational puzzle? Educational experts in Australia have argued in favour of billions of dollars of extra ...
Christmas Street Parties will Help You Live Longer
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The Attack Against the Modern Aussie Man
One of the ways International Men's Day was celebrated, on Tuesday 19 November 2013, was by holding a Men and Fathers’ Strategic Roundtable at Parliament House, Canberra. Thirty-three delegates from many parts of the men and fathers’ movement actively participated. Three of the delegates were indigenous, seven were women and a few others came as observers. During the lunch break, ...
Men are Leaders – Not if but How
Men are leaders. They will either lead goodly or badly. For almost 40 years men have been demonised by radical feminists and a compliant media because the radical feminists have rightly observed that almost all of the world’s problems have come from inerrant men. Look at the long list of dictators responsible for the deaths of 153 million people in ...