The resources section of the Dads4Kids website is a forum for Dads to be able to express themselves and encourage other dads. Mothers contribute resources as well. The opinions of the various writers in this section are not necessarily the opinion of Dads4Kids. Read More
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Masculinity is Not Toxic
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Nurturing Becomes the Man
Even if nurturing wasn’t a strength for your dad, you can learn from others, and pass it on to your kids. Men do feel, and we do nurture. Let’s just do it… now! With our arms, words, eyes and ears, we can give our kids the physical and verbal affirmation that lasts a lifetime.
Aussie Men Are Good, Not ‘Toxic’
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Your Baby’s Cuteness is a Scientific Fact
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The Love Bank
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Parenting Tips for Separated Dads
All dads want to be the best father they can. But it can be tough to know how to do this after separation. Here, Mensline Australia offers some parenting tips on how to be positive around your kids while dealing with your own stuff, like anger, sadness and loneliness.
Growing into the Role: New Dads and Brain Research
Scans actually showed significant biological differences in the dads’ brains as they grew into the role of fathering their infants. We can be the fathers our children need, and at just the right time. That should give us confidence and a sense of purpose as dads.
Winging It as a Single Father: How Did I Get Here?
Becoming a single parent was not part of my long-term life plan, and I would venture to say that most single mothers and fathers would agree, but like I always say, “We all have a story.”
New Dads Want to Be More Involved, But Aren’t Being Taken Seriously
Until the 1970s, men were banned from the birthing suite. But fathers are now moving from breadwinner and disciplinarian to involved parent.
6 Ways Fathers Can Share Love and Connection with Their Babies, Preschoolers and Young Children
The early years are the most dynamic time of life, producing more than a million neural connections each second. For parents or caregivers, this time offers a wonderful opportunity to impact children’s lives.
Sanity Prevails in Family Court: Evidence Allowed from Expert Opposing Gender Transition
Sanity has prevailed in the case of a gender dysphoric child currently before the Family Court, with the judge allowing evidence from an expert who believes that rates of gender dysphoria are on the rise due to social contagion.
Dad Time Improves School Success
A new study from Leeds University in the UK reveals that fathers engaging in interactive activities with their children, such as reading and playing, significantly improve their kids’ primary school performance.
Zero to Three Advice for Fathers – Get Involved
Children with dads who are involved in their upbringing tend to do better socially, emotionally, and academically than kids with uninvolved fathers. Research also shows kids with involved dads tend to be more confident.
Strategies to Help Smoking Mothers Quit
Smoke-free spaces will help to ensure a more rapid decline in female smoking rates, with flow-on effects for rates of maternal smoking, promoting the health of mothers and their unborn babies.
Purposeful Dads are Happier, Healthier and Stronger
New studies suggest that having a sense of purpose makes dads healthier, happier, and stronger as individuals and as fathers. Robert Byrne said, “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”
What Is Your Purpose as a Father?
The gift of having a sense of purpose is that it reminds us of the future we want for our children, and it shows us how we can work toward that future today.
From the Beginning: Secure Attachment
Babies who have a secure relationship with their father use more coping tactics to entertain themselves during times of separation from parents than other infants who were not securely attached to their father.
Ten Reasons Why We Fail
Here are ten reflections on falling short of a desired outcome. More precisely, why we fail despite ourselves or our best intentions.
Silent Statistics and the Silent Sufferers
Our men have to be proactive and address mental illness head-on and ensure that programs are implemented to deal with the aim of curbing suicide rates.
How NASA Naps Could Help Sleep-Deprived Dads on Autopilot
NASA naps last for around 23 minutes and have the potential to save sleep-deprived dads on autopilot.
Music Training Speeds Up Brain Development in Children
by Assal Habibi Observing a pianist at a recital – converting musical notations into precisely timed finger movements on a piano – can be a powerful emotional experience. As a researcher of neuroscience and a pianist myself, I understand that the mastering of this skill not only takes practice, but also requires complex coordination of many different brain regions. Brain ...
Fathers Are Crucial to Healthy Outcomes for Kids, Studies Confirm
by Dan Hart As the US celebrated Father’s Day recently, two recent studies confirm that fathers play a central role in the mental health and behaviour of their children. In a report that compared dozens of studies conducted between 1987 and 2022, the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) found “clear correlations between children raised in fatherless homes and developmental challenges ...
U.S. Advisory Admits Link Between Teen Suicide and Social Media
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