The resources section of the Dads4Kids website is a forum for Dads to be able to express themselves and encourage other dads. Mothers contribute resources as well. The opinions of the various writers in this section are not necessarily the opinion of Dads4Kids. Read More
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Fathers — Fun to Be With
It’s always fascinating reading about what other people have accomplished in life. Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, was the richest man in America when he died in 1992 at the age of 74. He started Walmart in 1962, so in forty years he had revolutionised retailing in America, received the Medal of Freedom and built the foundation of the ...
Freedom From the Fear of Failing — New Fathers and Navy Seals
Editor's Note: This is a profoundly real and self-revelatory article for those fathers who are grappling with the deeper issues of fatherhood. Full congratulations to Rod Lampard for sharing his journey with us. This is a case of strong meat for strong men. ___ “You’re just like your father.” This was the fictional narrative of my formative years. Instead of ...
How to Cope with Change – Thriving Through Change Part 4
In part 4 of Thriving Through Change, Guy and Chris continue the discussion on how to cope with change. In this episode, Guy explains the 4-part Hudson change model for understanding where you are at in the change cycle. Ever been chasing a dream, a big goal, a vision, but then become disillusioned with the whole thing? Things you assumed ...
Fight Like a Pro
My good friend Robert Day sent me a link. He said, “Check out Gavin Topps and his ‘Fight Like a Pro’ Program”. Rob is a Dads4Kids board member. He has worked with men all his life. He knows men. So, I just had to check it out for myself. Below is the challenging call to Manhood from the Gavin Topps ...
Are Fathers Necessary?
You might remember the fantastic Prager University “Make Men Masculine Again” video that we featured in our weekly Dads4Kids newsletter in 2018. It now has over 10 million views. Recently, Dennis Prager from Prager University put out a powerful video called "Are Fathers Necessary?" Sadly, it will most likely be shadow-banned by Facebook and YouTube, as was the "Make Men ...
Matthew McConaughey — Raising Resilient Children
What is the secret to raising resilient children? Matthew McConaughey is an extremely popular American actor and producer who has a story to tell about raising resilient children. His new book, a memoir called Greenlights, which includes some of these stories, is selling well. McConaughey has received many awards, including an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, and a Screen Actors ...
Seven Dangers of the Digital World & Seven Ways Dads Can Overcome Them
Yesterday I heard a disturbing story. My friend rang me to share how his son had recently gone through a very sad divorce. He shared with his Dad how the unreality of the digital world, that many young people live in today, was a major contributor to his divorce and his general lack of wellbeing. My friend’s son pointed out ...
YES Day — A Family Comedy With a Message for All
“Yes Day — you have to see it, Warwick,” he said with unbridled enthusiasm. “It is a great family movie that every family should watch!” His strong recommendation really caught my interest. For one thing, he is married but has no children. Secondly, my friend is a very switched-on, media-savvy guy, who is passionate in his support of fathers and ...
Man Scripts: How to Never Get in Trouble with Her Again
Elbert Hubbard said, “Do not take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive.” Victor Borge said, “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” Comedian and counsellor JP Sears put the above advice into practice in his brilliant YouTube video called “Man Scripts — How to Never Get in Trouble with Her Again”. These scripts will ...
Encouragement — The Gift Money Can’t Buy
Ian ‘Watto’ Watson said, “I have never seen a bloke go backwards with encouragement.” Ian Watson spoke at the very first Men’s Leadership Summit at Paluma Range, north of Townsville, in 2013. Sadly, Ian passed away in 2019. The good news is that he left a massive legacy of encouragement for men the world over. Rhonda McKenzie, Ian Watson’s ...
Sons of the Father
Several years ago, on International Men’s Day, Canberra’s ABC radio station rang me up and wanted to do an interview in Drive Time. I was happy to do it, until I found out my interviewer was a lady. Not that I have anything against the ladies, but ABC women (and many of the men) are noted for their bias against ...
Raising Fathers
Robert Falzon, a good friend of mine in the men’s movement, asked me to contribute a chapter to his new book called Raising Fathers: Fathering from the Frontline -- 12 Men’s Stories. Here is an excerpt from my contribution. It was a fine weather Sunday in this small resort town. The café was full of people having their lunch. No ...
“Best Daddy” Hits the Big Time
Millions of Australian Dads will hear and see Dads4Kids' Best Daddy musical Community Service Advertisements over the next 12 months. They will be inspired to become who their children already think they are: ‘The Best Dad in the World’. Dads4Kids sees the whole year as a time to strengthen family relationships and encourage Dads, not only around Father's Day. These ...
Jordan Peterson is Back
The New York Times says that Jordan Peterson is “a patriarchal pseudointellectual riding his devilish dark horse into stardom and corrupting everybody in his path, at best an idiot fraud and at worst the most dangerous thinker in the West”. From the point of view of those who hate men, the New York Times is right. Jordan Peterson is extremely ...
“Best Daddy”
“Have you seen Best Daddy, Warwick?” This was the short cryptic text I received from my friend Hayden Gillie from Warrnambool. Hayden is the sort of guy who doesn’t say much about something, unless it is really good. I was not disappointed when I watched the Best Daddy music video featuring Cody & the Qualls family. I cried with joy, ...
Daddy-Daughter Duet
Father-daughter duo Mat and Savanna Shaw performed a version of The Prayer on their YouTube channel two months ago, and they could never have imagined what happened next. The musical family went totally viral, earning almost 6 million views on their video. They were both stuck at home because of the coronavirus, and they decided to use their talents to ...
Family Lockdown Boogie
“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” So wrote Charles Dickens. This could be a description of the current effects of the global pandemic! The coronavirus world lockdown is forcing us together in the most unusual ways. Great pressure produces diamonds! Great pressure can also often produce creative comical genius. Such is the case with ...
War On Boys
It is always a great thing when respected leaders take a stand for the male of the species, especially for our young boys. Sadly, the vendetta against men and boys seems to be gathering momentum. ‘Toxic masculinity’ seems to be the buzzword of the moment. In 2000, Christina Hoff Sommers published The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming ...
Nail in the Head – Magic Table
Modern gender experts try to tell us that men and women are the same. They tell us that being a man, or a woman, is actually just a social construct. They also tell us that men and women can change their gender at any time. Facebook, in their infinite wisdom, offer 71 gender options. All of this is utter nonsense ...
Dear Dad – The hidden power of Fathers: “Honest, funny, sometimes startling, often moving.”
My wife got me a book for Father’s Day called “Dear Dad”. It is a collection of letters to fathers, edited by Samuel Johnson OAM. The description on the back cover says, “A heartfelt, honest and very human book of letters that will make you smile and make you cry. It is the perfect gift for the Dad in your ...
Man in the Mirror
Some time ago Jeff Stacey, from my men’s group, gave me a copy of Wayne Bennett’s autobiography, Man in the Mirror. I was overjoyed. I have long been an admirer of Wayne Bennett, widely regarded as Australia’s greatest Rugby League Coach of all time. The Bronco’s football team which he coached for 21 years straight won six premierships. Wayne Bennett ...
Wild at Heart
Every year the team at Dads4Kids takes a bunch of dads and their children on our annual Dads4Kids Fun Camp. This yearly adventure is also part of our local Good to Great Fathering Course. You don’t have to do a Dad’s Course to come on the Dads4Kids Fun Camp, but it does help. We started going to a wild and ...
Frontline… Father’s Viral Video Seen 21 Million Times
Every now and then something comes along on Facebook that is a breath of fresh air. Usually you are wading through rubbish but this is something really worth sharing. I will let Sam Judah from BBC Trending tell the story of an impromptu “How to not discipline your child video” that has been seen over 21 million times and still counting.
Stories That Touch the Heart
Sometimes, when you read a book, it is just a story. Other times the story reaches out and grabs you with both hands and touches your heart. That's what the book 'Twice Adopted' by Michael Reagan © 2004, Broadman & Holman, Nashville USA, did to me when I read it. Mike is the adopted eldest son of Ronald Reagan, ...
Get Your Heart Back
We are in the middle of celebrating Easter. Our children think that Easter is all about chocolate eggs and rabbits, but of course it is really about something far deeper and stronger. Good Friday is called 'good' because it celebrates the death of Jesus Christ on a cruel cross, and Easter Sunday is a celebration of his resurrection. Many people ...