“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” is a saying by the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle in 330BC. The fact that he came up with it must mean he attended a Men’s Leadership Summit. I am still buzzing two weeks later and still trying to figure out why the Summit was so good.

The speakers were brilliant, the mountain bush setting was beautiful, the attendees were remarkable, the conversations between the men were both profound and inspiring, the music was transformative and the belly laughs were healing.

The food was great, the Goliath Swing was exhilarating and the friendly boxing exhibition on Sunday morning was beyond belief. (Gavin Topp is a very surprising man!)

Men's Leadership Summit 2022

Wolter Peeters, The Sydney Morning Herald.

The Men’s Leadership Summit was naturally supernatural in every respect and very hard to explain. Hence Aristotle’s saying!

For me, it is what happens after, and because of, the Men’s Leadership Summit that matters the most.  One man told me with tears, “I have just reconnected with my mother after not speaking to her for five years and my son and I are on a journey of reconciliation. I am just so thankful.”

Another son wrote to me with heartfelt appreciation, “You have given my father back to me”. Some women said the same about their husbands. Truly humbling to say the least. All credit to the One who made us all.

As Wolter Peeters, the Summit Photographer said, “What a cracking time we had at the Men’s Leadership Summit.”  See his video and photo gallery here.

The Summit truly was a magnificent milestone, in more ways than one.

Tony Miller’s letter below tells it well.

Tony Miller’s Open Letter of Inspiration re Summit

What an extraordinary weekend. The Dads4Kids Men’s Leadership Summit. Something I will never forget for the rest of my life. If you haven’t been, do yourself a favour, GO! 

I was apprehensive as I walked in the door, but was immediately met by a bunch of happy smiling men. As they introduced themselves, one was named Tony; I said: I will remember your name, I have already lost the rest of you. And I did. But you know what? It didn’t matter. Because they opened their hearts to me. And I saw it. And I saw it time and time again over the weekend. Men's Leadership Summit 2022

I have been to a lot of summits in my time. A lot of conventions, a lot of men’s stuff. But it was the first time I have witnessed a men’s gathering where ego, the biggest man-killer, was left at the door. What an absolute gem. What a bunch of genuine blokes.

Marshy put on a good show. He knows what men need, and he is a genius at pulling it all together. The speakers were fantastic, the message real. And on Sunday they had a service, a service like no other I have ever been to. And straight after communion, they had a fight. Yes, a fight, right in the middle. They do services strange down there.

One of the speakers, Gavin Topp belted a few parishioners around the ears. Must be something Marshy does on Sundays? But Gav’s message was clear, no matter how many times you get knocked down, you get back up. No matter how much it hurts, you get back up.

Men's Leadership Summit 2022

Wolter Peeters, The Sydney Morning Herald.

Marshy gave me an Award, Lifetime Award, very humbling and something I will cherish forever. Then his son Nat hoisted me up a huge pole and threw me off. (Goliath Swing) I guess they thought I needed the devil scared out of me. It sure did. As I said, they do things strange down there.

And last but not least, the BIGFELLA was there. Hovering around, opening Men’s hearts, touching their souls, listening, guiding, mending, being a mate… He was there, I felt HIM, in you.

A guy once told me that sometimes the BIGFELLA just touches you softly on the shoulder and sometimes He hits you across the shins with a four b two. WAKE UP! I got hit with the four b two, listening to Gavin Topp’s message.

I cried down there, I cried most of the way home. I will never forget it.

Kindness and compassion is the rent we must pay, for the space we inhabit on this earth.

You guys (Men from the Summit) are way ahead in your rent. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,
Tony Miller OAM

Editor’s Note: Read Tony Miller’s son’s letter in last week’s Single Dads to get perspective.


Save the date for the Men’s Leadership Summit on 4-6 August 2023.

Dave Hodgson, former SAS soldier and successful businessman, is one of the speakers, along with Dr Allan Meyers, creator of Valiant Man, plus the very popular Scott Hanzy, who spoke this year.

Going to the Men’s Leadership Summit is like going to Mecca or visiting Uluru in Central Australia. It is something that every man must do once in a lifetime.

The full price for the next year is $379, but we have extended the “at the Summit discount” price of $269 till this Tuesday midnight 13 September. You save $100. You will never get a better price than this.

To qualify for this discount, please send your name, address and mobile via email. You do not have to pay for 3 months. We will contact you for payment in 3 months. If you say ‘no’ in 3 months’ time, you have lost nothing, but if you say yes, you have saved yourself $100.

Save your money and reserve your place in 2023.

Send name, address and mobile to info@dads4kids.org.au

Yours for More Magnificent Milestones,
Warwick Marsh

PS: Dads4Kids Courageous Ten Week Online Fathering Course starts on Zoom on Tuesday 27 September. Watch video here. Booking information here.

About the Author: Warwick Marsh

Warwick Marsh has been married to Alison Marsh since 1975; they have five children and nine grandchildren, and he and his wife live in Wollongong in NSW, Australia. He is a family and faith advocate, social reformer, musician, TV producer, writer and public speaker. Warwick is a leader in the Men’s and Family Movement, and he is well-known in Australia for his advocacy for children, marriage, manhood, family, fatherhood and faith. Warwick is passionate to encourage men to be great fathers and to know the greatest Father of all. The Father in Whom “there is no shadow of turning.”

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