Since 2004, Dads4Kids founder Warwick Marsh and a fantastic team of volunteers have hosted the annual Dads4Kids Fun Camp. As the name suggests, it’s all about dads and their kids camping together and having fun. Granddads are welcome too, and the event currently takes place on the first weekend of November each year at Coolendel Camp on the beautiful Shoalhaven River in New South Wales.

Thanks to our good friends Sam James at Escarpment Media and Richard Attieh and his team at Australian TV & Media Group, we’re super excited to share The Dads4Kids Fun Camp documentary, which aired this weekend on Channel 9! Find out more here.

My daughters and I have been attending the camp for many years – we absolutely love it! As our good friend and current facilitator of the Dads4Kids Fun Camp Craig Shipway says in the documentary:

‘Out here, the relationship can be built between the dads and their kids, and they love having that connection with their dad. My kids, as soon as the Dads4Kids camp is over, they’re asking when the next one is. They love it so much!’

As we show in the documentary, it’s all about dads making memories with their kids that are cherished forever.

‘This is something I never got to experience when I was a kid,’ dad Ben explains.

‘It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do … actually be able to spend that time with them, away from everything. Just to get to know them as much as you can.

The team behind Helping Hands, the excellent Channel 9 TV Show featuring Dads4Kids this weekend, have summarised five top tips to help Australia’s dads be the best dads in the world – they are as follows:

1. Be intentional

Find time to get away with your kids — even if just for an hour or so.

2. Have fun

The more fun you have together, the more connection you’ll be able to build.

3. Keep it simple

It doesn’t need to be expensive or elaborate. The more simple it is, the easier it will be to do regularly.

4. Let go of expectations

Spending time and having fun together may be messy. Focus on enjoying yourself, rather than trying to make sure everything is perfect.

5. Safety first

While it’s a great idea to go away with other dads and their kids, it’s important to maintain a safe environment by ensuring each dad looks after his own kids.

Do what you can to get out there, have fun and make memories with your kids. As Warwick says:

Our children are our future. As dads, we need to spend time with them. We need to find the opportunities. This (Dads4Kids Fun Camp) is that opportunity, but you can create your own. If we sow into them now, we’re going to build better foundations for them, better foundations for our future families and better foundations for our nation.’


Watch the Dads4Kids Fun Camp Documentary on 9NOW or YouTube, and share it with family and friends. If you’re able, book in now for the 2024 Dads4Kids Fun Camp taking place at Coolendel Campground, 1-2 November here. Dads, granddads and their kids are welcome – the more the merrier. We’d love to see you there!

Yours for Making Memories,
Nathaniel Marsh

P.S. Speaking of memories, don’t forget this Wednesday (14 February) is Valentine’s Day! Some people say Valentine’s Day is silly, but my wife loves it when I buy her flowers. Try taking your lovework game to the next level and maybe give an early gift to your significant other on the 13 February. Whatever you do, do not, I repeat, DO NOT fail to regularly and spontaneously show your wife that you love and appreciate her in heartfelt, real and romantic ways.

Make it your mission to discover her love language and love her how she needs to be loved, lots. I’m certainly no expert on love, but I’ve learned a few lessons throughout (almost) 20 years of being married to my wonderful wife Jodi. Lesson #1: don’t forget Valentine’s Day!

P.P.S. If you’re encouraged by the work of Dads4Kids and would like to help us continue Building Men, Growing Fathers, and Changing Generations, please consider making a tax-deductible donation here.


Photo by Josh Willink.

About the Author: Nathaniel Marsh

Qualified Trainer for Dads4Kids, Nathaniel is passionate to see hearts turn to the Father. As a professional filmmaker, Nat worked in advertising and television for 20 years and has been helping Dads4Kids behind the scenes since 2002. Nat has been married to Jodi since 2004, and they have five daughters.

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