There are quite a few things that I like about the Easter holidays. I like the traditional early morning surfs at my local beach. The king tides sometimes cover a rock outcrop that normally remains exposed at high tide. When the swell is small, this produces a nice little wave that I usually get to surf on my own. By the time other surfers become aware of it, the tide begins to go out. The wave soon disappears, and is often not seen again until next Easter.

When the swell is big, I enjoy watching the waves crash over the harbour breakwater, while I try to avoid being soaked by the spray. I also enjoy the sound and movement of the fishing trawlers creaking and heaving and straining against their mooring ropes.

I also enjoy the smell of barbeques, the holiday atmosphere, the sounds of children playing, the seasonal rains and chocolate.

Not all of these delights are appreciated by my children.

Early this morning, Good Friday, when I saw the white of the churning waves crashing over the rocky offshore islands, I succeeded in dragging most of my children out of bed. My younger daughters were keen for some action and excitement, but my oldest daughter remained welded to her bed.

My 13-year-old son required all my persuasive skills before he was finally coaxed from his warmth and comfort. The challenge of getting his bare feet across the wet grass to the car was far from his mind as he stood on the breakwater watching with surprise, awe and bewilderment as an avalanche of spray descended in a cascade over his fashionably gelled head and his designer garments. I’m not sure which of us laughed first, or longest, but we both thoroughly enjoyed the event and probably won’t ever forget it.

For those of you who can, make the most of the time you spend with your children. The opportunities to enjoy life’s simple pleasures are available to all of us. The experiences we have today become the memories of tomorrow.

[Photo by Cody Scott Milewski on Unsplash]

About the Author: Roland Foster

Roland Foster is an non-custodial father, separated since 1997, with 5 young children aged between 6 and 14 years. Roland is a passionate father and an active social reformer who believes Australia's current laws are contributing to the creation of our fatherless society.

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